🚪 Chapter Nine

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Jean's POV:

After dinner, we went to a cave for the 'last' round of this stupid team building. If I recall it correctly, Captain Erwin called this thing a "test of courage" or some sort...

"Hey, Jean! Ain't this fun?", Connie asked.

Do I look like I'm having fun right now? Which part of this is fun? Tell me? This is just one hell of stupidity...

"What's with that ugly face of yours, horse face?!", a suicidal bastard blurted beside me.

"Don't be a pest...", I spat. I'm in no mood to banter with him right now.

"I thwink I knoow why he's soo pisshed, Ewen.", Sasha mumbled at the back while eating a soft boiled sweet potato. Are you gonna eat or talk?? Wouldn't kill to choose one. Tsk, why is everyone so hella giddy today.

I was really looking forward to this beach outing. I thought something good might happen. I wanted to create memories. Not this kind of drag.

"Do tell.", Eren and Connie said in chorus.

Sasha cleared her throat and began to speak. "Probably because I ruined his moment with a girl earlier."

"A girl? Wh-who?", Connie asked in curiosity.

"The girl with the red curls. Jean was about to get the girl some meat from the grill, but I stole 'em before he got to pick up any. Sorry, Jean.", Sasha replied.

"Forget it. I'm going ahead of you guys!", I shouted as I ran ahead from the others.

"Calm down.", I heard Armin say as he tugged on my hood.

"What?", I brushed his hand off me.

"You didn't hear me? Calm down.", Armin looked straight at me and replied with a serious tone.

"I'm calm. I am.", I said, trying to convince him. Why did he even say that though? I've been trying my best to stay calm this whole time.

"Wwait, guysh. I thwink I hear shomething.", Sasha, again, was talking with her mouth full. She seemed like she was listening to whatever it is in the cave wall.

"Look.", Mikasa said with her cold voice.

"I see a bat!", Eren shouted.

"We all see.", the others followed.

"Did you know that bats are considered to be one of mammals as well?", Armin whispered with his -matter-of-fact- look.

"Hello. I'm Armin. I'm smart. I'm cute. Pfft.", I whispered mockingly.

"Fucking shut up, Jean.", I think I heard someone speak. I turned my head left and right, pretending as if I cannot find the shitty Eren who said that.

"They're delicious!! Bats are!!", Sasha creepily said, looking very tempted to grab a vermin and eat it alive.

"Now, I thought of something 'fun'...", I said as I followed the vermin and tried catching it. When I finally caught one, a bastard just had to push me, causing me to release it and fall on my bottom.

"Why you?!", I raised my voice.

"Cut it out. We're not here to eat some flying red eyed mammal, Jean.", Eren said to my face furiously.

Armin whispered as he began to panic, "I'm g-gonna make a c-call...!"

Good thing, Marco there came into rescue. He grabbed Armin's phone from his hand and calmed him down saying that this argument can be part of the team building too, after all it's called "test of courage". He went on circles with his explanation, but I think Armin got the idea that there's no need to worry about Eren and I arguing, since we always do it and it could still be counted as 'friendly chatting' inside a cave.

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