a whole new side- oneshot-fluff/angst?

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Tom sat in his room replacing the tape on Susan.

Ugh stupid Edd. If he hadn't broken this, I wouldn't have to spend an hour every week replacing tape and bandages on my poor Susan. He thought to himself. "I need a break." He declared out loud before walking into the kitchen to grab a bottle of Smirnoff.

When he opened the cabinet, his trusty bottle was gone. No worries, Edd probably stole it to calm my alcohol consumption. He tried to assure himself, but he couldn't shake the feeling something was off.

He went back to his room and reached under his bed for a bottle from his secret emergency stash. He felt around, but he felt nothing. There was no cold sleek glass, no wet feeling of carpet if one had spilled, no glass indicating a bottle broke. He looked under the bed and saw nothing.


No one knew of his stash, not even Edd. How was all of it just... Gone? This made no since to him. He began to walk to the door when he heard a barely audible sniffle coming from the commie's room. That didn't make since either.

Tom had never seen Tord cry, even when they were kids. Of course there were tears involved in his infamous temper tantrums, but that was just to add drama and make it easier to get what he wanted. Why was he crying now?

He didn't knock. There was no reason to. As he opened the door, he was greeted by the saddest sight he's ever laid eyes on.

Tord was in a ball beside his bed, a half empty bottle of Smirnoff laid beside him. There were Tom's other bottles as well, but you really only need one if your trying to get drunk. For a heavy weight like tom a full bottle was good to get him thoroughly wasted, but Tord was a light weight and that was more than half. How was this man still alive?

He was sobbing into his legs as his hands were tangled in his hair, gripping at his skull. He was mumbling to himself, but the words were so quite and slurred that Tom couldn't make out anything he was saying. It didn't really help that Tord was speaking in Norwegian, either.

"Tord?" Tom hesitantly called out. This wasn't usual Tord behavior. Usually Tord loves to act strong, confident, and flirty. This was a whole other side of his lifelong "friend".

"T-Tom...?" Tord tripped over his name through his body racking sobs. Why was he here? To taunt him? To make Tord's miserable state even worse?

Tom carefully took Tord's hands away from his head. "Tord, what's going on? What is on the mind of yours?" Tord was genuinely surprised at Tom's kindness. This wasn't normal Tom behavior. Tom was usually grumpy, rude, and if you even laid a finger on his stuff, you had a death wish. This as a whole new side of his longtime crush.

"Oh, Tommy. I should've never gotten attached. Maybe then I wouldn't be a total mess." Tord whispered into Thomas's sweatshirt. Tord always loved the way Tom smelled. He smelled like Vodka, Vanilla, and some other undecipherable scent that could only be described as Thomas Thompson.

"No, don't say that. Who are you attached to anyway?" Tom asked nuzzling the top of the drunken boy's head with his nose. Tord smelled of Cigar smoke, gun powder, pen ink, and what could either be cheap hand soap or maybe scented wax from a wax burner. Tom knew he had one of those somewhere in his room.

"I got attached to you Tom."

Tom froze. What does that mean? Does he mean like in a friendly way or a romantic way? If he means he likes me, do I like him back? Can I trust him? Are we even friends? Tom's thoughts raced a mile a minute.

Tord weakly tried to push Tom away, "I-I shouldn't have said that..." Tord trailed off as he tried to stand. After falling over onto his face he tried using the bed as support, but the ground felt as if it were spinning so he ended up just falling backwards into Tom's lap.

Tom silently wrapped his arms around Tord's larger frame. This man was at least two inches taller than Tom and couldn't even drink a full bottle of Smirnoff.

He had never seen Tord in such a fragile state. Tord clung to Tom's hoodie for dear life as he walked them to the living room. Tom could wait for a drink, this seemed a little more important. "What did you mean by attached, Tord?" Tom asked delicately. This brought another wave of sobs out of the taller male.

Tom panicked and quickly hushed Tord by bringing his face onto Tom's chest as he hugged him. Tord pulled the shorter alcoholic even closer, feeding off of his heat. "It means that I've had feelings for you for awhile now. I just feel so pathetic because I've wanted to tell you for so long, but every damn time I try I can't!" Tord's voice raised a little by the end of his small monologue.

Tom laughed nervously,"Tord, you're drunk." Tord looked Tom right into his void like eyes.

"That doesn't mean I'm not being honest."

Tom was stunned. This was not the thing he expected out of Norwegian boy. This really was a new side of Tord. A side that Tom could get used to. A side that Tom had only seen today, but a side he may have fallen in love with.

The two met each others eyes once again. Tord's silver eyes looked like moonlight shining on sliver coins. Tom's endless voids were a nice pitch black that reminded Tord of a cloudless night in the early hours of the morning.

The two didn't even realize how close they had gotten until their lips barely brushed. Tom immediately flinched back. This wasn't right. Tord wouldn't even remember in the morning. Well, actually went you put it like that...

Tom launched himself onto Tord, quickly locking their lips.

It was soft and passionate. Tord's lips were chapped and tasted of alcohol, but Tom could care less. Maybe one day Tom could get a real taste of what Tord truly tasted like.

Tord pulled away. "I just get so upset that I can never seem to fall in love without getting hurt." He said wiping tears away. "You make everyone so happy tom, but your dead inside just like me." Tord continued, frowning."Thomas you're going to break my heart, tip it apart, and after all you do, I'll still be here waiting for you."

Tord once again connected their lips in a fiery kiss. It was more sloppy than the first and left them both breathless. "Tom, can I tell you a secret?"

"What is it Tord?"

"I'm actually not that drunk. I just poured out some of the bottle to make me look wasted, and then slurred my speech a little. In all honesty, I'm just tipsy so I can work the courage to tell you how I feel. I didn't expect to get so depressed."

"you dork."

Tom grabbed Tord and began to cuddle with him. "I hate you." He jokingly said as he drifted off in the strong arms of the one he loves.

TomTord One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now