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A/N imma be straight up. I have no idea what this is but It's been in the works for the longest so I just made a quick ending and posted it. I have a request coming soon and other projects so stay tuned for those. Sorry this one isn't the best. 

Tord Pov

This is a mistake. They won't take you back. They don't want you. YOU IDIOT. GO BACK HOME. THEY DON'T LOVE YOU. WHY WOULD THEY? 

The thoughts don't stop. They never do. I promised to keep my distance, but since when did I start to keep promises? I laugh bitterly. This isn't going to end well.

I knock on Edd's door.

Turn back while you still can. This is going to backfire. Why are you still standing there? RUN! RUN AS FAST AND FAR AS YOU CAN! TORD, PLEASE!

"Tord? What, Why are you here."

I choked on my words. I wanted to run, but I wanted to stay. I wanted to never come back here again and just go home, but I still wanted to say goodbye. I wanted to hug him then and there and apologize profusely and move back in, but I still wanted to keep my distance.

"What are you doing here?"

That's Tom. TORD, YOU HAVE TO RUN! HE'LL SHOOT YOU WITH A HARPOON IF YOU DON'T TAKE OFF NOW! TORD YOU HAVE TOO. Oh my god he looks so angry. It's all because of you.

I continued to stutter with my words, now finding it hard to breath. Tears sprung into my only working eye and my nose burned. I was playing with the sleeve that hid away my robot arm. 

"Look, I don't want you near me or my boyfriend." Tom spoke with a steely gaze, wrapping an arm around Edd.


The world started spinning. The air was so thin. My body hurt. I heard Tom yelling, and Edd trying to calm him down, but it just sounded like empty static. A high pitched ringing was heard and then the world went black.

Tom's POV

I watched the Commie's eyes roll back into his head, and barely had enough time to catch him. I wasn't sure why he was here, but it was upsetting my Eddie. He had to go. "Tommy, just let him stay with Matt. He obviously needs help if he came back here. You know how headstrong he is. I want to know why he's here."

I nodded and knocked on Matt's door.

We hadn't seen much of him since me and Edd got together. I wonder why.

"Coming!" A voice sounded from behind the door. The door opened to reveal what was supposed to be Matt. He looked horrible. His hair was greasy and hardly fixed, he was obviously sleep deprived, He was wearing a normal grey shirt and pajama pants, from what I could see, his room had gone under some reconstruction. All the pictures and mirrors were ripped and broken, math paper covered the floor and walls, everything was disorganized and messy, Empty pizza boxes and soda cans covered the floor. It looked like his room did in High school. Before he was a total narcissist.

"Oh, what do you want Tom." He sounded exasperated. His eyes were dull behind the glasses he threw out so long ago in favor of contacts. Then he noticed Tord in my arms. His eyes widened and he immediately snatched him from my arms. 

With that he slammed his door in my face, but not before glaring at me. 


Matt's Pov  

My god.

I thought I'd never see Tord's face again, and yet here he was. Out cold on my couch. 

TomTord One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now