It's Tom- highschool AU- oneshot- angst/fluff

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A/N okay I'm gonna admit this is pretty angsty in the beginning so beware. Also! There is a trigger warning for rape in this chapter! I'll put *TW* in bold before it happens and *TWO* once it's done so that no one gets triggered by it.

Two boys sat on a bright red couch in the middle of a lounge eating cookies.

One had dyed brown hair that was naturally a light caramel. His hair went up in two spikes involuntarily. He was wearing a black coat over a red shirt with black ripped jeans. The dark circles under his eyes were apparent against his pale skin. You could tell right away he wasn't very social or open about his problems. You could also probably tell he was very close to the boy sitting next to him. This boy by the name of Tordiff Larsin had the biggest crush he's ever had on anyone on the punk sitting only a foot away from him. The only problem was that He was his best friend.

The other boy had natural brown hair that spiked up with bits of gel here and there. He was wearing a black shirt with a skull on it. He was also wearing black jeans, but they were far more distressed than Tord's. His braces poked out as he snarled at nothing, his eyes flashing red for only a second. Thomas Thompson wasn't the friendliest, in fact most regarded him as a punk asshole alcoholic that played pranks on all the teachers, but no. He was nice to a few. Especially Tord and Edd, but Edd was out of the picture now wasn't he? He glanced over at the sad and lonely boy next to him who was looking wistfully at the wall. His darker skin looked so dark compared to Tord's. The thick, checkered bracelet was tugged down a bit as he got up.

"Where you going?" A thick Norwegian accent came from the black clad boy. Even though Tord had been in Britain for almost two years, he still had trouble with English every now and then.

"I don't know. To the kitchen? I'm pretty thirsty." Tom replied trudging towards Tord's kitchen. "Oh, okay.." Tord trailed off into silence. He had nothing to say to the darker skinned beauty. What would he say if he had a reason anyway?

Tord shook his head. He hated Edd so much right now. Tord trusted Edd with his life and yet here he was. Tord had told his friend about his two year old crush, and Edd thought it was a good idea to tell Tord that he should have Tom and Edd over, but of course Edd didn't show, leaving him with his crush.

"god dammit, what do i say? What do I do? How should I act?" Tord whispered to himself as he played with his fingers. He started rocking back and forth, letting his anxiety get the best of him. "Hey psycho! I asked you a question."

Tord jumped, the voice bringing him out of his trance. He realized what he was doing and immediately stopped. "O-Oh. What did you say?" He swallowed thickly.

"I asked if you had any chocolate." Tom rolled his eyes as he said this. Tord nodded his head briskly. He was acting out of character.

Tom had noticed it as soon as he stepped through the doors.

Of course he had known of Tord's weird habits. Like how he could stare off into space for hours at a time without realizing it, how he rocked, how he would talk to himself, how if he was distracted he would jump at the slightest noise, eyes wide. Tom noticed all of these.

Tom just didn't understand why.

When Tom walked in he noticed the nervous sweat break out on the back of Tord's neck. He saw how Tord had his back straight, eyes wide like he was waiting for something bad to happen in a horror movie. He noticed how spaced out Tord had been the whole time Tom was there. He looked... Scared.

But why?

Why was he scared?

What was there to be scared of?

Was he... Was he scared of Tom?

"Hey, Tord, are you okay? You seem pretty scared right now, so..." Tom trailed off looking at his black wearing friend. "Faen Thomas!" He jumped, almost spilling the cup of water he was holding. "I am good. Why do you ask?" He said, but he grabbed his hoodie sleeve so Tom knew he was lying.

"Tord, you can tell me what's up. I'll understand." Tom smiled. Suddenly, Tord was very grateful to have Tom as a friend. He teared up a little thinking of his past and what to say, but he just took a breath and sat back down on the couch. "come seat." Tord patted the place next to him.

He took a breath. "Well, back in home country, I was very much teased. I was not much liked, and many claim to hate me. I did not understand why. I still do not. I acted like them. I was one of them, yet they still did not like me. I do not know what I did wrong!They called me horrible things like 'liten tispe' and 'cock slutten' and the one I hated the most 'hore'" He took a deeper breath, calming down. "I think it was because I am homosexual." he had not come out to any of his friends yet. He wanted to cry, but he refused to stop.

"Last time someone came over to house, it was not fun. I thought they were friend, but they were not. They-" He began to choke up.*TW* "They forced me to do horrible things. L-Like, what is the word in English?" He looked frustrated, which he probably was. Tord hated speaking English for long periods of time.

"Can you describe what they did?" Tom asked. Tord nodded. "He- He pinned me to bed and took off clothes. I told him to stop, but he no listen. I-I, ugh, WHAT IS THE WORD!?" Tord was about to cry. Tom's eye widened as he held his friend.

"Oh my god Tord. That's called rape. He raped you." Tom hugged his shaking friend tighter. "You don't have to tell me anymore Tord. It's okay. I'll never do that to you, I swear." Tom rubbed Tord's back as he sobbed. "You're safe now. I promise." *TWO*

The boy who spoke in broken English did not break the embrace. Why would he want to, it was comforting. It was Tom.

"A-and Tom, I-I want to tell you th-that. I, uh, I-I JEG ELSKER DEG THOMAS! Jeg elsker deg mer enn noe annet i verden! Hvorfor tvinger du meg til a eslke deg?" Tom blinked. "Tord, you know I can't understand Norwegian." He stroked Tord's cheek, forcing him to look at him.

"I-I said I love you. I think I do, Tom. I love you." Tom smiled warmly, and kissed the black clad boy.

The kiss was warm, and made both of their faces heat up brightly. Tom held Tord's face, as Tord threaded his fingers through Tom's hair. Breaking away, even though neither wanted to, They stared into each others eyes. His eyes are so beautiful was the only thought going through Tom's mind. Looking at them like he did, he wondered why he had never stopped to admire them before.


Later that night, the two were cuddling on the couch watching a cheezy movie. "Tord, can you tell me about Norway?" Tom asked, playing with the back of The dyed hair on Tord's head. Tord's eyes brightened as he nodded.

"Oh yes, Home country is very pretty. Me and my family lived near ocean. Father loved to sail and other Father loved to fly. I liked to hike. I could scale mountains and I liked to, What is word, Sled? Yes Sled. I loved to sled as a child. It was always very cold, but that is not what I miss the most. What I miss the most are the, uh, The sky lights?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"Do you mean the Northern Lights?" Tom asked, entwining their hands together. "Yes! Those. They were very pretty. I loved to look at them at night. I learned to cross water with Father and learned to fly with other Father. Maybe one day, I can take you back and show you the pretty sights." The Norwegian smiled dreamily, already imagining the fun they would have together.

"I'm sure it would be fun, Red Pilot." Tord giggled at the nickname. "That's what other Father's Name is in Army. Father is Red Leader. He told me that I would be next Red Leader once I'm old enough. Maybe you can take other Father's place and be my Assistant." Tord snuggled deeper into the warmth of Tom's chest.

He shouldn't be giving out this information, but he didn't care that much. Beside, it's Tom.

"okay, red leader.."

TomTord One-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now