You never cared-Domestic AU- Angst- pt.2

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A/N It's finally here! Pt. 2 to you disgust me! Enjoy.

It had been a few months. The divorce papers were laying on the table, unsigned and untouched. Tord couldn't make himself do it. Sometimes he would wonder why.

What had I been thinking? Marrying Tom, can you believe it!? 

Tord had gotten his job back. He was home as much as possible, and Pau and Pat often took over his duties so that he could spend time with Torm. Torm was four now. When it was time for his birthday party, he asked if his pappa was going to be there. Tord hated the crushed look in his sons eyes when he said no.

Tord remembered him and Tom thinking about introducing Torm to older brotherhood when he was four years old. Maybe try for a daughter. They had even  decided on naming her Tami once she came into the world but now he couldn't do that. 

Torm had told him several times about how much he missed his pappa and asked when he could see Tom again.

Tord sometimes missed Tom as well. 

It was certain things in Tord's routine that he had to remind himself not to do, and small things he had to stop expecting. Sometimes he would catch himself making two cups of coffee or thinking about having to pick up alcohol bottles later. Sometimes he'll sit on the couch like he used to when he waited for Tom to come home.

Only this time he wasn't going to hear the jingling of keys and his husband coming through the door.

Tord hated to admit it, but he was still in love with Tom. Maybe just slightly, but still enough to miss waking up in Tom's arms. He couldn't imagine ever seeing Tom's face again, but at the same time it hurt to think of never seeing him in general. 

At the moment, Tord had been trying to get his son to eat his carrots for the past twenty minutes. He was never the most patient, that was Tom's job, but now anything related to Tom hurt.

Including patience.

"Torm, son, please just eat these carrots. I'll do anything." Tord pleaded with the four year old. "No! They're yucky!" Torm yelled shoving them across the table. Tord pulled at his hair, mentally screaming. "Ya know what kid? That's fine. Go play. But you get no desert tonight!" The child's eyes widened. "Wait! I'll eat them!" Tord sighed in relief and scooped up some carrots onto the fork "Open wide then."

"No! They're yucky and nasty and gross!"

"AgH!" Tord shouted and threw the fork, stabbing it into a wall. "Fine you little-" The doorbell rang. "What! What could you possibly fucking- Tom?" Tord's angry tone was halted by the sight of the man that stabbed him in the heart.

He was standing there in a casual outfit of a blue hoodie and black jeans. He looked horrible. "You look like shit. Why are you here?" Tord asked bluntly. First his kid won't eat his fucking carrots and now his ex husband is at his door.

Tom opened his mouth but Tord held his hand up. "Look, I can't take your shit right now. I have a kid in a high chair on the verge of a tantrum because of these fucking carrots. He won't eat them and I'm pissed. If you can get your fucking son to eat his food, then I'll give you a chance to explain yourself before I shoot your dick off." He opened the door wider, letting the other in. 

"This is too much." Tord groaned to himself, stretching. He heard his son scream in joy, probably at the sight of Tom, and then the noise of a plate clattering to the ground. "Torm! I swear to fuck if those were you god damn carrots!"

"Tord, you can't swear in front of Torm!"

"I can do whatever the fuck I want, Tom. He's my fucking kid!"

"He's my kid too!"

"Not my fault you're a cheating skank who isn't in his life anymore!"




"I HAte me too!"

That's when Tord's voice broke and he turned away in tears. This was sch a bad idea. He's already under so much stress, he should've just turned Tom down and gotten Pat or someone to feed Torm. Maybe the only reason he let Tom in was because he really did miss the sarcastic alcoholic. 

Just maybe.

Tord heard a sigh then too two arms wrap around him. "Look, I know you hate me and I know you're really upset at the moment, but I really only came back to say that... That I still love you and that I- I miss you a lot more than I thought I would. Edd says I need to get off his couch and stop moping about the things I'm not changing, so here I am. Changing the problems I have. Will you give me a second chance?"

As much as Tord wanted to sink into Tom's arms and forget everything, he couldn't. "No. Tom. I can't. You always do this. You mess up and you become a mess and then you come crawling back begging me to forgive you but I can't. Not again. It hurts to be without you, but it hurts even more to be with you because as much as you say you do, I know you don't care. You never cared, and you never will!" Tord was crying.

He hated crying in front of people. 

"Tord, baby-"

"Don't call me that."

"Please, at least let me be around my son. At least come visit me."

Tord didn't want to do it. He always does it. Tom comes back and Tord breaks. He lets him in over and over. He really doesn't want to break again, but Torm would be so happy to be around his Pappa again...

"Fine. I'll let you have a second chance. We won't be lovers, but we can be friends. Like old times."

"Thank you." Tom sighed in relief holding Tord like he used to but Tord shoved him away. "Don't touch me like that."

"Never touch me like that again."

It may be a shaky relationship, but it's a relationship none the less.

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