We have a child- Domestic AU!- Fluff

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A/N WOOPS This is fluffy ig so be happy. The sad version is coming soon, but you might have to wait since I'm getting more ideas for other projects, so just bare with me. This is also incredibly short so that's a thing. idk, enjoy? OH, and make sure to request!

I woke up to arms around his waist. This was the morning routine. Wake up in my husbands arms, pry myself out from under them, get dressed, make breakfast since I'm always the first one up, wake up Torm, and finally attempt to wake up Tom. 

I sat up making Tom whine in his sleep. I smiled at his sleeping face. I gave his cheek a kiss before I got out of bed and threw on a black shirt. I smoothed out my red pajama pants and crept downstairs, careful not to wake up the two night owls I shared a house with. 

I cracked three eggs and started to scramble them, adding cheese and salt and pepper. Afterwards, I grabbed eight pieces of bacon. As a family, we eat around only six but you never know when someone wants seconds.

The sizzling sound and the amazing smell wafting through the house easily woke up the three year old boy who had just gotten his first big boy bed a few days ago. I smiled hearing the sound of small feet running into the kitchen. Torm was a light sleeper just like me. 

"Father? Are you making bacon?" Asked the child as he grasped my pant leg. I smiled down at him and nodded, he smiled back. We both had abnormally long and sharp canines, but his eyes. His eyes were special. They were just like Tom's. He had the Thompson's trade mark eyes. 

His skin was olive and his hair a dark brown like Tom's, styled much like mine. Naturally flipping up, but needing care to really look clean. He loved music like Tom, but he was always willing to learn not unlike me. Torm was the perfect construction of both of us, and since he was the first successful trial with my technology, I was pleasantly surprised.

I put my son into his seat before going to wake up Tom. "Now don't eat without me and your Pappa, okay?" He nodded, but I knew he was probably going to disobey. He was always a rebellious kid.    

I strolled into me and Tom's room and threw open the blinds. Sunlight illuminated the room and shined directly on Tom's eyes. He groaned, "c'mon Tord. Ten more minutes baby?" He pleaded with me. 

I brushed his hair away from his face. "But if I do that then you won't be able to eat before getting ready to go to work. You'll be hungry and grumpy." He only turned over on his side in response. I sighed and kissed up his neck and onto his lips, lingering there before saying, "I made eggs and bacon."

He shot up and smiled wide, throwing on some blue pajama pants. "Lead the way." He said, making hand gestures to the door. I giggled at his childishness and kissed him again. "What a gentleman."

"well, I am a Thompson."

"Yeah, yeah. Go sit down." I laughed and hit his cheek lightly, walking in after him. 

When we got to the table, Torm had already taken a bite from his bacon. I pretended not to notice, but I laughed about to myself. "Pappa, can you tell Father that I want pancakes." Torm tried to whisper to Tom, but just sounded like a whisper shout. Tom smiled and looked at me, "it seems that Torm over there wants pancakes." 

I laughed and nodded. "You know Thomas, I could go for some pancakes as well. I think I want strawberry."

He rolled his eyes. :of course you would ask for strawberry. Personally, I want blueberry more." His tone made me glare at him. "Hey, watch it you little-"

"I want both!" 

Torm interrupted our small argument. I may love Tom, but we still get into little fights every now and then. They hardly ever escalate into yelling thankfully. "You know what Torm, That's a good idea, but I've been slaving away in this kitchen all morning. My feet are starting to swell, besides, we all know that the Thompson's secret recipe is the best recipe for home made pancakes..." I smiled smugly at Tom. He knew where I was going with this.

"Ugh, Fine. I'll make the stupid pancakes." Torm's face lit up with delight. "Thank you Pappa!" Tord smiled at his son, How incredibly lucky they were for him to come out the way he did. Tord brushed some of his hair back. "I love you son." The toddler looked up and smiled up at him.

"I love you too, Father." 

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