It's funny- all three parts- pt.2

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Tord stared blankly at the wall in Edd's apartment. How he got there or found them was a mystery to the trio, but all of them were slightly more miffed about him coming back than knowing where to head. 

Edd's face was in a permanent scowl, holding more intensity than Tom's. He was the first to break the tense silence in the room. "Okay enough moping. Why the FUCK are you here you bitch?" The smaller man growled. "I- I just- I wanted... Something."

Edd laughed humorlessly. "Something? You wanted something? WE COULD'VE GIVEN YOU SOMETHING TORD! WE WERE THAT SOMETHING! NOW THE ONLY THING I WANT TO GIVE YOU IS A HEAD FULL OF BULLETS!" Everyone in the room flinched. It was rare for Edd to lose his cool like that. Tord barely looked up.

"I know." He whispered gently. Edd was breathing hard in anger but even he knew something was up. Tord never takes shit from anyone and yet here he is, sitting on the sofa, emotionless. "I know you want to give me a head full of bullets. If I can be real for a moment, I would love for you to just do it. Heh, how pitiful. I left my friends to conquer the world and now? Now I can't even conquer the task that is getting out of bed. My arm hurts too much..." Tord continued not looking up. His voice had faded out before his shoulders started shaking and he put his head in his hands.

"I'm useless. So pitiful and useless. I thought I was destined for greatness and now the only thing I'm destined for is a cold hard death derived from an empty pill bottles and razors." The once proud standing Norwegian was now curled into himself on an old friends sofa.

Edd held in a gasp. "Is this some kind of game?" The green wearing man asked harshly. "No. No! Why would I ever- Never mind. You have a right to not trust me." The dirty blond shakily replied before standing, still slouched instead of his once proud stance. "Look, I can tell I'm not welcome so I'll leave. Oh and Tom?" The Norwegian turned around.

Tom flinched back only to see the hurt flicker in Tord's tired emotionless eyes. "you should have aimed a little more the the left. You would've hit me then and all of us would be happy." Tord sniffed, his empty facade falling away. the broken boy took a few steps forward before collapsing to his knees and screaming. 

"YOU SHOULD'VE KILLED ME! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE LET ME LIVE! FINISH IT! FINISH THE JOB, TOM!" The communist leader screamed pulling at his hair. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a gun and throwing it over to Tom. Next he turned around and faced his mutilator without flinching. "Finish the job Tom. Pull the trigger..." He whispered, putting his forehead to the barrel, eyes shut with anticipation for the bullet.

Tom gulped thickly.

Everyone flinched as the gunshot went off and plaster rained down on them from the roof. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you? I don't want to kill you! I- I never did! I- I- Edd. Edd we have to keep him. God knows what he's gonna do if we let him out into the world." Tom begged, but Edd just rolled his eyes, "Yeah right, Like I'm going to let that traitor into my arms again."

"Then I'll let him live with me."

Everyone in the room gasped. Did Tom really just say that? Is he really going to let his sworn enemy into his home? "T-Tom-?" Edd tried but the blue hooded man cut him off. "No, Edd, if you can see what state he's in and think we should let him go then you're delusional. I might not like him, but I have a heart and that heart doesn't want to hear about a death on the news I could've prevented."

Edd's eyebrows scrunched together like he was hurt by Tom's cold words, but he nodded anyway. "I suppose you're right, just don't let him out of your sight." Edd advised and then quieter to himself he whispered, "We don't want him destroying the apartments too."

Tom didn't hear him, but maybe Edd should've been quieter.

While Tom dragged Tord out of the living room and into the hallway, tears were already gathering again in his blank eyes.


"Welcome to your new home, I guess." Tom said, swinging open his door. "It has a semi functioning kitchen, a shitty TV but at least we get the news, even if it is in black and white, a thrift store couch and other furniture, and finally one bedroom. It's not the best but then again my job is kind of shit." Tord looked up at him questioningly. "You got a job..?" He asked hoarsely.

"Well, yeah. Bills can't pay themselves. Once upon a time I didn't really need a job because all of us put in money to pay for the house collectively but after it, um, blew up, we had to get separate apartments and while Yes, they are connected we have to pay for them separately. After Edd got fed up with having to pay my bills and his own as well, he made me get a job. It's decent, I guess. My boss is shitty though.." Tom complained, rubbing at his face.

Tord almost cracked a smile. He never imagined Tom with a job. "What do you work as?" He asked his new roommate. "I'm a receptionist at some fancy ass company. In all honesty, I'm just a glorified intern." Tom joked. Tord faked a smile and then dropped on the couch in his slumped over position, smile immediately falling from his face. 

"Tom... In all honesty, I wish we never fought after we broke up. I wish we were closer back then. I wish I would've listened to you that night when you begged me to stay instead of going to Norway. I wish I never broke up with you in the first place, but I was young and stupid. After seeing so much death and carnage... After seeing so many lives lost at my hands and spending so many nights awake and alone... It's aged me. I've realized my mistakes. I've realized that I can't rule the world alone. I need someone Tom. I need you." Tord spoke slowly standing up and soon ending right at Tom's face, barely an inch away.

"W-what do you mean?" Tom stuttered. Tord's eyes widened and he took a step back. "You guys! I need you guys..." He tried to cover up, but he was already blushing from embarrassment. "Aw, you like me." Tom taunted, smirking. Tord pulled his hoodie over his eyes, "No! Shut up! You know what I meant!" He yelled.

Tom smiled. This was the Tord he remembered. Easy to anger and quick to fight back, but also surprisingly easy to fluster. Seeing Tord angry and red in the face brought back plenty of memories for Tom. "Ah, I'm just teasing ya. Calm down, yeah? It's not like I blew up your house."

Tord's body froze. Tom hadn't thought about what he said. He was used to making jokes like that with Edd and Matt but with Tord... "Wait, that's not what I-"

"it's okay tom.."

Tom immediately felt horrible seeing that he ruined the happy nostalgic mood. "no, I'm legitimately sorry. I didn't mean to say that." Tord looked up at him questioningly. "why are you apologizing? Why are you being nice!? Wouldn't you rather kick me when I'm down?" 

Tom smiled softly, "No, I've changed a lot Tord. I'm not a kid anymore. My alcohol addiction is far less than it was, my hate for you is the same way. I may have some issues with you, I might fight with you every now and then, but I don't hate you.  Believe it or not, people can change and mature. I'm one of those people." Tord was amazed. Was this really Tom talking?

"Wow you really have changed..." Tord said, wearily smiling. Tom barely smiled and held Tords face in his hands, "of course I have. I've never been able to stay mad at you, even now. You mean a lot to me Tordle, it just took me losing you to realize it. And when you came back, all my feelings had solidified into anger and hatred, but when I lost you a second time, all of that melted away. What I'm saying is- Tord I- I love you. I always have. I always will."

Tord's eyes widened at Tom's sweet words. He smiled brightly and hugged the slightly shorter male. "I love you too.." He whispered. tom hugged back with just as much intensity. "I've missed this." The blue man said leaning into Tord's shoulder. 

"Yeah, I agree. It's funny to think that after so many years of fighting and bad blood, we still love each other."

"yeah, yeah it is."

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