My Tommy bear- future TomTord- oneshot- angst

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I once again found myself at the cliff. That stupid fucking cliff. I remember watching you walk off with your friends. I would love to say mine, but I threw that chance away. You fucking threw that chance away.

It's been years since it happened, but I wear the scars like my insane smile. Being blown up by your lover does things to your head. Things that only make me stronger in the long run.

The only reason I was there that day was to convince one of you to join me before my army invaded England. The house was gone, only a crater remains. inside there were flowers growing. I find myself wondering if they're still there today.

I walked down those streets, hood over my head. No one needed to know who I was. At least, not then

I finally reached the apartment complex. I already knew where you lived, all that mattered was that one of the three had enough since to join me. I remember knocking on Edd's door first hoping he would at least here me out. When I knocked I had no idea you were there with Matt.

Of course Edd answered the door.I remember that I chose that old black jacket of mine that I never actually got rid of like you thought. Edd realized it was me straight away, and did the unexpected.

He hugged me.

Of course I came there all business, but I hadn't had anyone hug me in so long that I broke down then and there. I remember how you stared in disbelief. Not only was I there, but I was sobbing into an old friends shirt.

I think around that time I burst into hysterical laughter. Edd took a step back in fear and Matt pulled him back a little further. You grabbed a harpoon, and I stopped as soon as I saw it. The gleam in your eyes showed you weren't joking, and that I better explain why I was there.

I put my hands up in surrender and got myself together.

"I will be invading England soon, and I wanted all of you to join me at a chance of safety." I remember saying. You were all confused at first, then the emotions came.

"I'll never join a backstabbing bitch like yourself as long as I live!" Edd shouted. He buryed his face into Matt's shoulder and Matt began to pet his hair.

"You hurt my face... You blew up my glorious trinkets..." Matt whispered silently, tearing up.

I thought you would explode too, but you didn't. All you did was lower the sharp object aimed at my throat and walked towards me. I thought you would hit me, but you didn't. In fact you did the opposite. You put your hand on my shoulder an nodded.

A gasp, and more sobs from Edd. He never was good with people leaving him. "Edd, please try to consider. This might be the only way to live a somewhat comfortable life after what he's planning. We may never get a chance like this again." You had tried to get him to change his mind, but Edd held fast.

"No, go off betraying everyone and everything you've ever loved. It's not like we don't want to go or something." He snapped on you.

Taken aback you stepped away, into my chest. I grabbed your arm. "Let's go, Thomas." I remember whispering in your ear. I love it when your face lights up in red like it does when your embarrassed. You wear it well.

You don't remember the ride to the base, or becoming my assistant and Secretary so I could keep you as safe as possible, or moving in, or your first day, but you do remember the day you were diagnosed.

We knew chemo was not an option, for it might make you weak, and we both know you're the best sniper on the squad. I remember ordering the scientists to do something, anything to fix you.

You don't remember what happened after that, or constantly bumping into things, or completely going blind, but you do remember When you got those goggles.

The thing that finally let you see in perfect condition. I would never see those beautiful voids again, never see the gleam in your eyes when you talk about something you loved, never see the ghostly paleness when you were scared.

You don't remember being an even better shot, you don't remember the flirty moments we shared, you don't remember the late nights, but you do remember the first I love you.

I was so nervous to finally tell you that I ended up saying it in Norwegian. Can you believe that Thomas? I was so scared of rejection I made sure you couldn't say no. To my surprise, you actually learned a bit of Norwegian while at the base and knew exactly what I said.

You were so stunned you didn't stop pouring you coffee until it burnt your hand. Classic, stipid, tom...

You walked over to me so slowly, I thought you would be so mad, but you weren't. I thought you hate me, but you were the opposite. You grabbed me by the collar and kissed me dead on the lips. You were never gifted with words, so you went by actions.

You tasted like coffee, vodka, and ink from the pen you always chewed on.

You don't remember the moments we has together after that, Not the stolen kisses behind soldiers and fellow leaders backs, Not the quite 'I love you's that whispered at 3 AM, Not me comforting you from a nightmare or taking you hoe from a drunken stupor, but we all remember the bullet.

I told you to leave, but you were so determined to take the shot. It was a direct hit, like always, but you were not left unscathed. He hit you in the head, but somehow you lived. You were always a fighter.

Still consequences remained for those who cheat death. Sure you got away with your life, but not all your memories. When you awoke, you had no idea where you were, but you knew you loved me.

Two months later, you finally died.

I don't think I could miss you anymore than I already do,

My Tommy bear.

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