Valentines Day-FLUFF

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A/N Who would I be if I DIDN'T make a oneshot for this. If this isn't fluff then nothing I ever write will be. Let's hop in, oh and, little warning, i wrote this the night before it's due so if it seems rushed, that's why.

Tom hoped out of bed as quietly as he could at four in the morning. Why was this supposed morning hater awake at such an ungodly our? It was Valentines Day. The most important day to make up for every stupid thing he's done to his boyfriend, other than their anniversary of course. 

Tom had everything planned out. The only problem of course was that it started with breakfast in bed and if he missed that the the whole plan was fucked, but Tord had a habit of waking up at five to six in the morning every day.

So now Tom had to creak down the hallway as quiet as possible, seeing that Tord was a light sleeper. When he finally reached the kitchen he took out pancake mix, strawberries, a pan, the syrup, a couple of slices of bread, eggs, cinnamon, bacon, and all the other ingredients he would need.

It took time and effort but by five forty he had a three layer stack of heart shaped pancakes decorated with strawberries and cherries (The edges were burned and some fruit had fallen off but presentation isn't everything ya know), syrup was on the side so he could pour as much as he wanted; it even had (extra) crispy bacon put on the side. Next to that was a small plate with two slices of french toast, a fresh cup of milk, and finally to tip if all off, a yellow daffodil (They mean new beginnings, Tom looked it up!) Sitting in a small cup like vase.

He loaded all of it up onto a tray and waltzed into his and his boyfriends room. He slowly crept over to the side of the bed and set down the tray on the bedside table. Last time he came here holding a glass of water while going to wake up Tord. Tord punched him and the water went everywhere. 

Tom doesn't want that to happen to his precious breakfast.

"Tord, baby, wake up love." Tom persuaded the sleeping Norwegian while running his hand over The horned males shoulder. Even with his gentle attitude and loving touch all he got was grumbles and Tord turning the other direction. 

Tom sighed and rolled his eyes "I made bacon and pancakes." 

Tord sprung from the bed wide eyed. "Where? Where did you put the delicious delights?" Tord's mouth was watering and he had excitement in his eyes as he looked around wildly. Tom smiled at the childish nature of his lover and brought the tray into Tord's line of sight.

Tord's gaze softened. "D-did you make this all for me?" He asked softly, taking the tray from Tom's hands. "Of course I did babe, It's Valentines Day and I want to make you feel special." Tord smiled warmly at him then quickly devoured his breakfast. "Ugh That was so good Tom, even though it was a little burnt. You have that look like you have a plan so what's next?"

Tom smiled even wider. "lets just say, you'll have a LOT of fun."


"PAINTBALL!? How'd you get us off the banned-persons list?" Tord was hopping in his place staring at the sign. "Well I told them it'll be us instead of strangers and because were together and its Valentines Day, we won't shoot each other." Tom finished, twirling Tord and dipping him.

"They believed that?" Tords face showed happiness and confusion that Tom could pull off such an effortless lie. "I told them we'll set our guns in the car, easy as that. I requested the most secluded and got us mufflers so that they won't here our gunshots. They probably think we're fucking so they won't check up once times up."

Tord leaped up and swung his arms around his blue hooded man "Ah! I love I love you I love you I love you!" He squealed in joy. "I know you do babe now let's go."

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