maybe- all three parts- pt.1

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A/N okay this isn't going to make since unless you read this so you might want to do that. Basically I'm doing a prompt for all three sections of the timeline (though some could argue there's four which would be The End but I don't want to rewrite something that we all know happened). So one is going to be the beginning, two is after The End, and three is WTFuture. Make since? Good.

All four boys stood in front of the house. The for sale sign had a 'Sold' sticker slapped across it. This was it. Their new home. "Well, we might as well go in and check it out instead of standing out here like idiots." The boy in green said, taking a sip from a cola can in his hand.

"Indubitably" Was the only word coming from the man in a gray shirt, staring down at his phone looking for more junk to buy. "Ugh, lame" a boy with a blue hoodie would've rolled his eyes, but the pitch black color of them prevented him from getting his message across. "Ah cheer up Tom! This is our new life and I want to see more smiles!" A male with clear blue eyes and a mischievous smile proclaimed, putting his arm around the others shoulders.

The one known as Tom quickly threw the arm off. "Don't touch me commie bastard." Tom gave a fierce glare to the Norwegian man, but the blue eyed trickster just laughed it off and grabbed his neck from behind, dragging him closer to his face. "Now you listen here you no eyed fuck." The communist spoke dangerously low.

"Tord! Let go of Tom this instant! I want no rough housing as long as we live here and if I see one of you put a FINGER on the other, I'll kick both of you out for the night!" Edd threatened menacingly.

Tord, or course, didn't believe the taller brit, but let go of Tom anyway. The tallest of the four walked over and yawned. "Can we go in now or what? Edd, you have the only key and it's hot out here." The red head complained. "Oh! of course Matt. Come on now you two, let's go inside." The brunette motioned the others to the front door.

"Okay on the count of three, run to your desired room. One... Two... THREE!" The chubby man shouted and all four boys took off running.

Tom wanted the room farthest down the hall, but saw Tord was already going for it. Tom growled and stuck out his leg, successfully tripping the communist and letting him get to the room first.

Edd had taken the first room closest to the kitchen, Matt across the hall, and Tom at the very end. Tord was forced to have the room closest to Tom and he was not happy. "C'mon Edd, he totally cheated! I don't want a room near him!" but the green themed British man wasn't listening. 

"Not my problem Tord. Now just go and settle in. That's your room from now on." Tord's eyes widened. This could not be real. He was next to that fucker for as long as they lived there. "Ugh! Fine!" Tord threw open his friend's door and stomped to his.

"I hate this fucking room." He grumbled to himself. He didn't sign up for this. This wasn't even the room he wanted! Fucking Tom and His Fucking sexy ass- Whoa!

Whoa whoa whoa. Did He just really think that? Did he really call that pest, sexy? Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe he meant to think Stupid! But that's stupid. You don't have mistaken thoughts. He really just think that Tom was sexy.

And maybe he is. Maybe those black eyes that still hold so many emotions are just so endearing and maybe the crinkle of his nose and curl of his lips when he's happy drive Tord mad because holy shit, that's adorable. Maybe Tom's lips were really soft and looked really kissable and just maybe that fucking half smile and half lidded expression he makes when he's drunk could be considered sexy.

but those are all just maybes'.

What Tord does know is that Tom is a fucking annoyance alcoholic that needs to stay out of his stuff. What Tord sees isn't that lazy care free smile but his rough intense snarl. What Tord has to put up with is drunk punches and pickup lines that mean nothing. 

And maybe those bruises and pickup lines were the things that Tord thought were so indescribably cute. But that was another maybe. None of it was fact.

Or maybe Tord just didn't want them to be fact, because Tom would never accept it as the truth, and that really hurt. 

Tord din't even realize he was sitting in the middle of the floor staring off into space until he felt a tap on his shoulder. Tord quickly whipped around only to be met with Tom's blank stare. "Hey so, Edd told me to come get you since the moving van is here and you need to get all your shit." 

Tord nodded his head. "Y-Yes. Of course. Duh. I'll be right out." Tom stretched a bit and stood up. "good because none of us are touching your filthy commie hentai boxes." Tord laughed a little at that comment and grabbed Tom's hood. Now or never.

"And where do you think you're going?" 

This was probably a bad idea, but maybe tom wanted him as much as he wanted Tom. Maybe Tom had his own inner turmoil going on. Maybe he wanted to kiss his rival so bad that it hurt. These were all maybes' but it never hurt to take the chances the world gives you.

Tom was now pushed against the taller males chest. "W-what? I'm going to get my stuff from the- the van?" Tom's small stutter made the man in red laugh a little. "Eh, I don't think so."


Tom was cut off by a pair of lips on his. Well this is unexpected. He thought before kissing back. Might as well, eh? 

It was heaven for both of them. Feeling the others lips rolling against the others, getting small breaths in between. Tom startled a little by Tord biting his lip, but mostly turned on. He especially liked it when Tord broke away from their lips and began to kiss down Tom's neck, leaving a small hickey at the base.  

"Fuck Tord~ Agh- ah! We need to get back to Edd and Matt." Tord broke away soundlessly. "Okay but what are we? Like was this a one time thing or like?" Tom smiled a little at the unsure tone in the taller boys voice. "Let's be a thing, yeah? Just keep it away from everyone else. Pretend to hate me outside of closed doors, okay?"

Tord nodded and then followed Tom outside. Suddenly, he didn't mind the placement of his room.

A/N Heck this is fucking garbage. 

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