gross- sick fic- fluff

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A/N yep, it's a sick fic. This is based off of my sickness that I had awhile ago.

Tord woke up with a splitting head ache, a dizzy body, and a queasy stomach. If it was any other day, he would've just called Paul and told him to watch after the army until he got better and that he'll do the work once he got back. Afterwards he would've told Tom that he feels horrible and that he'll be at home. He would tell Tom to go to work, but his husband would just give him a look and stay by his side.

But today was inspection day, other known as the busiest day of the year.

He was to go around the main base he lived on and then send out inspectors to check the other bases around the world flawlessly like he did every year. The inspectors would send in their results which he would have to check over. The base with the highest results got longer holidays and the one with the lowest got a visit from The Red Leader himself. The whole thing was very draining and took around a week to finish. In shorter terms, this was the one week he couldn't be sick.

He tried to do his morning routine but found that bending over made his head pound worse, so he couldn't do that but he couldn't sit down or a wave of dizziness and nausea washed over him. The whole morning was a struggle.

By the time he walked out of His and Toms room, Tom had already woken up and gotten dressed, meaning he was very behind schedule.

He knew he looked like shit. Paler than usual, the dark circles under his eyes more prominent than ever, his eyes drained, pieces of hair flopping into his eyes from where he didn't get the gel everywhere, his footsteps slow and stumbling, his usually pressed and crisp uniform was wrinkled and buttoned incorrectly, his shoes untied. Anyone could look at him and tell something was up.

He finally made it to his office and flopped into his chair with a load groan. "Ugh, why do I have to be sick today.." He groaned, slumping over and putting his head down on his desk. "Maybe a little sleep will help?" He spoke to himself.

Tord almost drifted off when his office door slammed open. "Good Morning sir! Hope you're ready for inspection," Tom was cut off with a groan from Tord "day..? Tord are you okay?" He asked, walking over to his husband.

"Yeah, I'm fine babe, what were you saying?" He sat up, face grimacing as he tried to keep whatever was in his stomach down. Tom gasped. "Oh god don't tell me-"

"I'm not sick!" Tord interrupted before doubling over in a coughing fit. Tom smiled softly. "Sure you aren't, but seriously, take the week off or something. You look and feel terrible." Tom said, feeling the Red Leaders forehead. "But Tom, It's inspection day." He whined. Tom glared, "That's not an excuse to stay up and get even worse."

Tord didn't like the idea of not being there for inspection day. "Thomas, who will check the base? Who will send out the inspectors?" Tom rolled his eyes "I can do that ya know."

Tords head shot up "No! I refuse to put you," He paused to sneeze, "through that stress. Just let me take care of it." Tom looked at his sick husband, eye lights half lidded and eyebrows raised. "Mhm and I'm supposed to just stand here and watch you deteriorate into nothing? Nice try but you're going to bed." 

Tord groaned but didn't put up a fight, it's not like he could if he tried anyway. Tom smirked and when they finally reached their shared bedroom, flung Tord on the bed. "Now SLEEP. I don't want to see you up again until I come back to check on you. I'm handling inspection day and everything with it. this isn't up for debate." 

Tord sighed and pouted but nodded. "Good, now go to sleep." With that, Tom turned off the light and left the room. 

Psh, yeah right. I'm not even tired. Tord thought before emitting a yawn and drifting off to sleep.


Tom sighed as he rubbed his eyes underneath the goggles. Tord wasn't wrong, this is stressful. He checked the time on his visual screen. two forty in the morning. "i should probably get back to Tord." He said out loud.

He went to check on him earlier only to find him fast asleep, and icepack on his head, and a note by the bed. 

Dear Blue Leader, 

The pilots and former Red Leader, Paul ad Patryck, assigned us to take care of Red Leader so you could continue with your work.

Red Soldiers, Danny Suns and Madelyn Blackwhite.

Tom smiled at Pau and Pat's kindness but he could've handled it. He looked down at the stack of papers in front of him. 

Maybe not. 

He sighed and stood up, walking down the winding corridors of the main building.  He didn't trust the Blackwhite girl, he made a note to make sure Tord wasn't poisoned and to do a background check on her. 

Tom barely knocked on the door leading to his bedroom. "Baby? It's me." Tom spoke quietly, just in case his lover was asleep. "Tom..?" Someone croaked. Tom smiled, "Yes? DO you need something?" Tord responded. "Yes." Tom brushed his bangs back "And what might that be?" Tord smirked. "you.." With that he pulled Tom into the bed and snuggled into him.

Tom smiled at the absolute cuteness and derpyness of sick Tord. Tom just snuggled back into Tords chest. In hindsight, he probably shouldn't have seeing as a week later when Tord was better, Tom had come down with the same symptoms as Tord.


A/N Ew this has been in the works foreverrrr but i'm trying to get stuff out as fast as possible so you guys stay interested and actually think I'm a good author adkfuhk

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