Just a bunch of headcannons for this relationship pt.1

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Tord is wet anger.

He doesn't seem like it, but if you get him to a certain point it's all tears. He'll began to break down and sob and probably continue to try and fight because Tord never backs down from a fight.

Tom is dry anger.

He is straight salt. He never apologizes and hardly ever stops the fight even if he's wrong. Most of the fights end with a sobbing Tord who doesn't want Tom's comfort because he's still angry, and a guilty Tom who is trying to hug his crying boyfriend/husband

Tom kills all the bugs.

Tord is a total pansy when it comes to bugs (probably because he spends 90% of his time in his office and the other 10% in his house) If he sees a bug he screams for Tom or calls him saying it's and emergency. By the time Tom gets there Tord is armed with a broom and standing on his desk chair. One time the bug started climbing the chair and Tord fell off of it, hit his head, and had to go to the emergency room. He still has the scar from falling.

Tord is an adrenaline junkie.

He loves to go to every fair and theme park and ride as many rides as possible. Tom has never been a thrill seeker until Tord started forcing him on rides with him. If it gives him any kind of adrenaline rush than Tord is down. Tord has probably been in every haunted house, ridden every ride in every amusement park, and has probably broken several limbs from the stunts he pulls at home. That's most of the reason he loves the army. He's in it for the adrenaline. Tom tries to stop him from doing anything too drastic but it hardly ever works.

Tom is a dog person.

He thinks it's comforting to have a companion that can never betray you. Dogs are basically more lovable and loyal humans that have more hair and four legs. They have emotions and they will show you they care. Tom just likes dogs. They're cute. He especially wants a Bernese mountain dog named Susan.

Tord is a cat person.

He thinks that Cats reflect his personality very well. Tired all the time, Excited over little things, deserving of the best, slightly aloof, small but the cause of many people's fears, the list could go on. He just really likes cat's. He's always wanted a Norwegian Forest Cat named Henrik.

Tom never truly got out of his emo phase.

While Tom was very into his punk rock/emo phase in middle and through high school, he never truly got out of it. He has the same mindset, and the same music taste, and the same since of style if he isn't wearing his classic blue hoodie. Tord teases him for it relentlessly and then probably apologizes.

Tord apologizes first

He doesn't seem like it, but when him and Tom get into a fight he apologizes first. He hates it when his love is mad at him. It hits a little too close to home.

When Tom is sad:

Tord will probably just lay on top of him and ask him annoying questions repeatedly or do stupid things to make him laugh. An example of this was the time Tord turned on Pumped Up Kicks and began to dance to it only falling over. Tom was laughing about it for weeks.

When Tord is sad:

Tom will grab his comforter and Tords, wrap them around him and turn on whatever anime Tord hasn't watched on Netflix. Tom then usually goes to make Tord a cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate/other depending on the time of day. After that he cuddles his sad bean until he's a happy bean. Sometimes if Tord's in the mood it'll turn into something more but that's for another time.

the kids.

After they had kids, three in all one being a single child and then twins, Tom named two and tord named one of the twins. The oldest was a boy named Torm. The twins were both girls, one named Tamara the one named by Tord was Tori.  Torm takes over the army after his parents retire, much like Tord's parents. Torm was surprisingly heterosexual, even though Tamara ended up being Pansexual and Tori ends up being lesbian.

Tom is horrible at Norwegian.

Tord tries to teach him when they lived together, and when Tom joined the army. Both times Thomas failed miserably. He doesn't know why, but the language evades him. He started calling it the demon language after his second attempt.

Tord can NOT hold his alcohol.

Tord is a horrible lightweight. He is almost the same height as Tom (it changes from taller to shorter depending on who I want to be dominant) and he gets drunk after like three shots. Half a bottle of vodka and he's completely shitfaced and dying from alcohol poisoning. Tom teases him for it which ism't a good idea seeing as Tord is a reckless, violent, party drunk. Somehow the alcohol makes him more violent and reckless than he already is, which has led to several wrecked cars, houses, and many nights of bailing Tord out of jail. The gang doesn't really allow his near alcohol anymore.

Tom has sensitive skin.

He despises it, but Tom's skin burns, bruises, and scars way easier than anyone. Tord's skin is way tougher and forgets frequently that Tom can bruise easily and has given him too many bruises and scars to count. He feels bad afterwards but never really apologizes since it isn't life threatening. He especially doesn't apologize for love bites, even though Tom always gets mad because of how prominent they show up.

Tord is hella pale.

Tord is the palest motherfucker in existence. He blames it on coming from Norway, but even then he's extremely pale. Edd used to get worried over it and forced Tord outside as much as possible, but that just gave him sunburn instead of a tan like Edd had hoped.

Tom has darker skin.

Tom's skin is actually slightly darker than the others. He constantly looks like he has a tan from being outside for too long and when he does stay out in the sun he could easily pass for a biracial person. Tord secretly adores it, especially in comparison to his white as hell skin.

A/N Okay this was just a quick thing of cute headcannons of mine. Sorry my updates have been lacking, I get horrible writers block sometimes. Just know I really am trying to post as much as I can and I'm not giving up on this book or any of the others. Feel free to request a prompt surrounding one of these or your own!

Please Request in the comments!

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