we're gonna rule the world together- fluff (I promise)

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A/N so yeah, this takes place with them as kids, then as teens, then as adults in WTFuture.

"Tord! Tord, slow down!" A smiley boy in overalls and a yellow T-shirt whisper yelled. "Sorry Tommy, I'm just so excited to show you my special spot!" The boy in an over sized red hoodie and black shorts whispered back.

Tom and Tord had been friends for awhile now and this was there first sleepover together. Tord had told his close friend all about his special secret place that was so secret that not even his parents knew of it.  

"What's so special about this place anyway?" Asked Tom, climbing over a rock after Tord. It was hot and Tom was getting tired from all the walking. Tord had brought a bag of cookies and water, but he wasn't allowing them to eat until they get to his special secret spot.

"You'll see Tom! You'll see why I love it so so so much and you won't regret ever coming there. Never ever!" Tord smiled, proudly showing off the gap where he recently lost a tooth. Tom hated to admit he was slightly jealous because Tord had lost two teeth in the last four months and he hadn't lost one. 

"Um, I don't know Tord... This forest is scary..." Tom muttered, looking around at the tall trees and then back up the path that had been carefully marked with blocks of wood nailed to the trees. "There's nothing to be scared of! This place is safe, I pinky promise!" Tord smiled widely and held out his pinky to his friend who carefully wrapped his around the others. "O-Okay Tord. I trust you." the shorter one said hesitantly. Good because we're almost there!"

Tom gave a sigh of relief. His legs were getting tired and his mouth was horribly dry, but Tord's enthusiasm about this place was enough to keep Tom trudging through the woods hungry and tired when they could be inside eating sandwiches and drinking juice.

"Here we are!" Tord shouted ducking under a few branches and stepping over some thorns. "Ta-da!" Tord shouted sweeping his hands around around to reveal a small clearing with an old barn in the center. The barn looked rather scary to the younger Tom, but he swallowed his fear in order to look cool in front of his friend, who was never scared of anything. 

"Is this it?" The young boy in overalls asked confused. Tord had made it sounds much cooler than an old creepy looking shack. "Well, yeah! I found it one day while exploring and it looks really old so I just guessed that no one cared about it anymore, so now it's mine!" Tord looked very proud of his old building, so Tom smiled. "She's a real beaut, Tord." Tom said, mimicking what his father has said when they first moved into their new house a few years ago.

"Thank you, Tommy! Now let's go inside and eat these snacks!" Tord pranced into the old building, Tom hesitantly walking in behind him. "It's our own little palace Tommy!" Tord giggled to himself, spinning around.

"It doesn't really look like a palace to me." Tom put out into the air. "Well, not yet of course! We haven't decorated! My dad said that decoration is the most important thing about a house. It can make a place feel happy or lonely. It just matters what you do with it." Tord explained and then he stated making notes and where and what he was going to put in the shack to make it feel like their own clubhouse.

Tom giggled a little. "You have really big plans Tord." Tord turned around and smiled once more. "In fact I do! Much bigger than this, even! One day I'm gonna rule the world, with you of course because you're my best friend. We're gonna rule the world together Tommy, just you wait."

The determination in Tord's eyes scared the young Thomas but he shrugged it off and smile back. "Sounds like a plan Tordy, now sit down and let's open up those snacks. I'm hungry."


A teenage Thomas was now sitting in a bean bag on the floor of that same old shack listening to the same friend rant about his parents. "- It's like they aren't even trying to understand me! They keep saying shit like 'we're here for you Tord.' or 'we understand Tord' but that's total bullshit! They don't know how I feel! No one understands me, except you or course." The teenage male stuffed more chips into his mouth after his small rant.

"Just let it go Tord. It's not a big deal. Nothing really is. Just be glad you still have a dad." Tord sighed at his friends glum statement. Ever since Tom's father had died he's never been the same. Choosing dark blues and black instead of cobalt and yellow. He stays up far too late and he's been spending more and more time at the old hang out then ever before.

Tom and Tord had decorated that place rather decently and now it was like a second home to both of them but Tom was the one who really made it a home. How? Well, he bought a queen sized bed and put it in the corner of the room.


"It's Tom, Tord. I don't go by that anymore."

"Okay, I'm sorry Tom, but please cheer up a bit. High school sucks and university might too but once high school is all over, we're gonna move in with Matt and Edd so we can afford a house on part time jobs and we're gonna go to university, get a degree, get actual jobs, and then me and you are gonna take over the world, remember? Maybe I'll even rename a country after you. Is the U.S alright?"

Tom had to laugh a bit. Tord had never stopped saying that they were going to rule over the world together. It was a sort of inside joke, but it never failed to make Tom smile even though he knew it was all childish fantasies. "Yeah okay, whatever Tord. As long as you don't, like, enslave all of humanity, I'm fine with it." 

Tord gave a bright smile. "Good, because if you weren't my life plans would be ruined." Tom laughed a bit. "Yeah whatever you weeb. Now get over here and let's take a nap. I'm fuckin tired." Tord nodded and hopped onto his side of the bed.

It wasn't uncommon for the two boys to share a bed together. It was just something they've always done and never really thought twice about, but when Tord wrapped his arms around Tom, he couldn't help but blush.


"Tord where the fuck are you taking me?" Asked a jokingly annoyed Thomas, thoroughly confused on why his husband had made him take off his precious goggles and then proceed to drag him to an unknown area.

"A super secret special place." Tord responded. He knew that Tom had the worst memory and wouldn't remember the saying that Tord had repeated to him growing up. It was almost cute how Tom could tell him the same story three times and not remember.

"Ya know, the branches slapping at my face and you saying that gave me major deja vu. Have we been here before?" The shorter asked, confused. Tord laughed silently. "Just wait a minute Tommy." 

Finally after walking down the fresh gravel path, they stopped. "Okay Tom, here are your glasses back." Tord smiled, handing them to his husband. "Ugh finally. I hate being blind like that. Makes me so uncom- No. No way. Tord. Tord is that our old club house? Oh my god you didn't!" Tom was laughing staring at what used to be an old broken down barn.

Apparently Tord had revamped and fixed up that old barn into what now looked like a two story home with an added on garage. Tom immediately jumped into Tord's arms. "Oh look at that lawn! It's perfect for raising the kiddos. Oh my gosh and that garage, is that enough room for two cars? Oh! How many rooms are inside?" Tom spouted off at the mouth, amazed before he stopped.

"Ya know, I never thought you would actually take over the world." The shorter admitted. "Well look at us now. Come on, let's a take a tour."

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