Winter sports- fluff?

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"GUYS!" and excited voice screamed through the house. "What is it Edd?" I tired voice responded. The voice had come from a certain black eyed brit who had just woken up, despite it being twelve in the afternoon.

"Guys, I got tickets to winter wonderland!" Edd smiled brightly, waving the four tickets in his hand in the air. "Winter Wonder land!? Wait, what is that again?" A lone ginger in a green overcoat asked confused. "It's a winter sports place that's only open in winter. They all kinds of stuff there from classes to competitions to areas for people just to try different things out! I've been trying to get tickets all month and I finally got them! Guys we have to go!" The cola loving artist was practically bouncing up and down from excitement.

A boy with a red robot arm choked. "Wha- What!" His eyebrows were furrowed and his face had gone a shade paler than usual. "Are you okay, Tord?" Edd asked, concerned. "Åh, ikke igen. Um, Do I h-have to go too?" Tord pursed his lips, awaiting the answer.

"Well Of course you do! I payed for your ticket you're going. And NO, we can't refund it." Tord closed his mouth as Edd shot his argument down. "agh, fine." He huffed, going back to eating some bacon and eggs.

"So when are we going Edd?" The male in a blue T-shirt asked. "Oh! Um, Today! So get ready everyone, we're leaving as soon as you're all ready to go!" Edd smiled brightly. A groan sounded from both in red and blue. "Oh suck it up you too! And no getting drunk Tom. They don't allow alcohol or anyone under the influence on the property." Edd scolded. He sighed and put his flask on the kitchen counter.

They all dispersed into their rooms, getting ready for a long day.


Tord was that last one in the car.

"taking your time, commie?" sneered the black eyed male from the front seat. "Ah, shut it. I have my reasons." Tord huffed, looking out the window. He really didn't want to go.

Edd felt the tension in the air and turned on the radio, pulling out of the driveway. "oh look! It's a cat Edd!" Matt exclaimed. Edd looked out the window excited onlt to see his pet cat Ringo, "Matt, that's Ringo..." Matt blinked, "O-oh! Yeah now I remember!" He reassured smiling even though everyone knew he was lying.

"uh, let's just keep driving..." He said quietly, embarrassed for not recognizing his crushes pet.


Though his hesitance to come, as soon as Tord was out of the car and in the snow, a new light seemed to find it's way into his eyes. "well, c'mon guys! What are we waiting for!" Tord's eyes shined brighter than they have in years, staring at the snow and the equipment.

Everyone was confused. Why did Tord not want to come? Why did he seem so excited now?

They all went up to the desk and handed in their tickets. The instructions were simple. Go to the area you want to start with and put on the proper equipment for it. If you're a beginner go to the green sign, if you want to take a class go to the blue sign, and if you actually know what you're doing, go to the red sign.

All four boys were standing in the warm buildings lobby deciding on what they wanted to do first. "Well, I don't know about you guys but I'm going snowboarding first." Tord said looking over everything you could do.

So far the options were:

1. Sledding

2. skiing

3. Snowboarding

3. ice skating

4. Figure skating

Tord knew what he was going to do as soon as he saw the list. He smirked gently. "Um, Are you sure? I know you're a thrill seeker, but you could get hurt. I mean, you're only a beginner." Edd looked concerned. Tord blinked.

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