One Night stands- angst maybe?/sorta smut?

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A/N Hey kids, its your boi! This has some smutty themes so lil smol beans beware!

I regret much, but I regret this the most.

I rolled out of bed, hangover pounding in my skull. I look around confused, sitting on the edge of my checkered sheets. 

I'm naked, I smell like pure alcohol, My sheets were stiff and sort of sticky. That only means one thing.

I had a one night stand.


I faced palmed myself quietly. Whoever it was with was long gone, but by the fact that I wasn't feeling any pain in my ass, I was either the Dominate or it was with a girl. Fucking hell.

I took a shower and changed into my average every day clothes. I took some Advil to try and rid me of this horrible headache. "You have fun last night, Tom?" A Norwegian voice sneered at me. I saw his reflection in the mirror, the small gap in his teeth visible. "well in fact I did, Commie." I growled back, even though I had no memory of last night except the whiff of women's perfume in my sheets and a flash of blond hair and makeup.

"Heh, yeah, really sounded like it. 'Oh yes, it feels so good! You're so big! AGh~'" Tord mimicked the girls voice in an obnoxious bratty tone.

"Oh shut up, at least I can get some if I want it." His face flushed with either rage or embarrassment, I couldn't really tell. "Y-Yeah, whatever. I like someone anyway so I'm going to respect that and not sleep around with any drunk skank I find like some kind of a man whore." He snarled, face still red. 

The red in his face was highly visible thanks to his pale skin. The fact I could get him so riled up made me smile. I like it when he's mad. Or, erm, I like it when he's mad at me, because he's to easily annoyed and I like a reaction! Yeah...

"You're too easily riled up Tord. Learn to... Relax~" I whispered in his ear, pushing him against a wall. He turned his head in the opposite direction, his blush even more apparent than before. 

I snickered and shoved him to the side, onto the floor. He hissed in pain as he landed on his right side. It must still be sensitive from the surgeries that have been done on it and all the burns.

"F-fuck...You." He spat at me, gritting his teeth in pain. I felt a flash of guilt before it disappeared. "and to you the same." I spat on him, nailing him right on the face. He looked so pissed in that moment i would've been scared, but ever since he came back, Edd made him throw out all his guns except for one, but that was always in an air tight casing that he never opened.

I began to walk off as he tried to get up. I heard a whimper of pain, and the guilt flooded through me for a split second before it was gone once again. I don't care about that god damn commie, not a bit.

Maybe I'm lying to myself, just a tad.


I heard Edd help the Norsk up and grab my shoulder. "What the hell Tom!? He just had surgery done on his arm! You can't just shove him round like that!" I shrugged and took another sip from my flask. "Don't shrug me! Just, I don't know, apologize?" Edd looked at me, a bit of hope sparkling in his eyes.

"Ugh fine. Sorry." I rolled my eyes and looked the other direction after I said it, not wanting him to think I meant it. Because I totally didn't!

I shrugged off Edd's glare and the commies pained expression and went to my room. As soon as I closed the door I got a text from an old pal of mine from college, Oliver. Oliver was always a crazy dude, always ready to play the heart of his next victim. The guys a total party animal and every party I go to is usually hosted by Oliver or one of his "friends".

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