Chapter 4 - Restless Night

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*Cameron's POV*

Who was I before they broke me?

I don't remember.

The first time I saw the grim, white walls of the facility, I was no more than 4 years old. My parents didn't want me, said there was something wrong with me, tried to get me fixed. They gave me away to those people, my memories of them were faint and very little.

A faint memory of my mother crying, screaming, asking the doctors what was wrong with me. The doctor couldn't explain, just gave my mum a number to call.

It was the best for everybody, people around me would be put in danger, nobody was safe with me there, that's what they would say.

Not long after my mother called the number, begging them to come take me. They were scared of me, so I tried to fight it, the weird things happening around me. I was only young, with no idea of what it was, let alone how to control it, to stop it.

A hospital, they called it. Put me down as a mental health patient in this special hospital designed to help people like me.

Lies, every single word was a lie. They would make me better, then I could go home, live a normal life and finally be happy. All I had to do was listen to the 'kind' doctors, do as they say. Then finally I'd be able to return home, we could be a family again.

She cried.

She lied.

Again, and again, and I believed every word.

They took me in, taking a hold of me by the arms, dragging me down the white washed corridors as I screamed and cried, trying desperately to break free and run back towards my parents at the end of the hall, watching the doctors take away their child.

My father stood stone faced, my mother always seemed to be crying in all of my memories. I wondered what she looked like when smiling, my memories didn't reach that far, maybe she was never happy, not a single happy memory shared with her only child.

Begging them to help me, to not leave me here with these people, but with one last sparing look from my parents, the double doors closed behind me, trapping me in hell.

The way the doctors looked at me, like I wasn't human, like I wasn't a person. Wonder and intrigue about a man different from themselves.

Then the experiments began, endless tests that would make anyone insane, how did I make it out alive?

Something was keeping me alive, and I swore that one day I would find out what.

Painful tests that pushed the limits of my body and mind, electronic devices attached to my body, keeping me awake, bloodcurdling screams filled my room at night as shocks ran through my body every time my eyes fell shut.

No sleep, must stay awake, can't sleep, think, read, write, draw, anything, just don't fall asleep.

There was a period in time where they starved me, not that the food they served in the cafeteria was anything to miss but the hunger pains were excruciating.

It didn't take me long to discover they weren't helping me, they were torturing me, but why?

What had I done to deserve this?

Brainwashing, that one was not all that clear in my mind, just vague memories of different moments. They stuffed my body with pills, talking directly into my ear, there was no blocking out the voices.

Pain would surge through my body but I don't know why, the pills messed with my memory, I was there but I wasn't.

I had no choice but to listen, my body aching as my mouth fell open in a silent scream, blood trickling from my ears until I couldn't take it any longer.

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