Chapter 23 - Left Hand Man

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-Cameron's POV-

We remained silent for a while, just enjoying each other's company, my mind was continuously going over Adrian's words as I found myself sinking more into Gabriel.

"What's on your mind, baby?" My keeper finally asked.

"I think I want to fight beside Kaden and Adrian but I'm not sure I'm as strong as they seem to think I am. Maybe I would have been under different circumstances, but I've been restrained my whole life." I sighed. I couldn't possibly live up to their expectations, could I?

"You know, it's weird to me hearing you put yourself down like that, because you're the most amazing person I have ever met and I genuinely believe you could do anything. I thought I was a lost cause, wandering around life with no real meaning and you proved me wrong, so maybe it's time you proved yourself wrong. You know I will support you with whatever you decide to do, I'm just so happy to call you mine."

How sweet could one person be? I really love him and the fact that anybody could ever care about me in such a way made me feel kind of lovesick, I never thought I'd ever feel something like this, but it was strong. I was swimming in Gabriel's love and I never wanted it to end.

It felt nice to have somebody support me in my decisions and I knew he was right, I wondered how long it would take until I stopped doubting myself but I'd been put down my whole life, I was made to believe I would never account to anything. So, the fact that the king wanted me by his side was surreal.

"I love you." There were many things I could say to express my gratitude, to let him know how much he meant to me, but those three words explained everything better than I ever could.

"If those were the last words I ever heard, I would be content in life. I love you, Cameron." He smiled, holding me against him like he never wanted to let me go and I never wanted him to, it was okay to doubt ourselves just so long as we pushed through anyway, we would always have each other to fall back on.

"Do you think I should go for it?" I really didn't know what to do, and I know I was in no rush but I was eager to find out who I was, I wanted to help my friends like they had helped me and make Gabriel proud.

I spent so long feeling useless and unable to do anything but now I had time to not only explore my true power but to become an important part of society, I finally was living my dream and to throw this chance away would be stupid of me.

"I know I'm going to be worried about your safety but I guess that's nothing that Zach doesn't go through every day, just so long as you always come home to me, I'll support you and always encourage you to be the best you. I want you to succeed and live the life you've always wanted, Cameron."

A chance to be a better me, to succeed in ways I have never been able to before, I felt like the world was in my hands and I would take care of it, with everything in me.

I nodded, taking Gabriel's hand in mine, the tingles shooting up my arm and making me smile.

"Thank you, Gabriel. I won't let you down, I promise."

"You never could, even if you wanted to, I've got you, forever and always."

Forever and always, I liked the sound of that.

I didn't know how things would go or whether I was good enough to fight along side Kaden and Adrian but I wasn't going to give up before I even tried, I had a chance at a new life and a fresh start. And my favourite thing by far about my brand-new life, was Gabriel.


-Gabriel's POV-

I helped Cameron set up the new phone Kaden had gifted him and was sure to add all our numbers into his phonebook, it didn't take him long to figure out how to use the device and I was impressed with how quickly he learnt.

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