Chapter 7 - Time

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*Gabriel's POV*

My hand passed through my hair again, holding back a sigh of frustration as I willed time to go faster. Trying not to look at the time every few seconds proved to be a difficult task. My eyes would subconsciously fall to the clock as its hands moved painfully slowly. What was left of my sanity was slipping away every second I was forced to listen to the mundane teacher.

My hands fidgeted with whatever I could find, which happened to mostly be my pen. The need to rush to Cameron's side and make sure he was okay was driving me mental. I didn't want to leave him there but when Kaden's king side came out, there was no room for arguments. He knew what he was doing and I know he would never let any harm come to Cameron but I was still itching to see him and make sure he was okay.

A sigh left my mouth and I was soon met with the daggers the teacher was sending me. I honestly had no idea what lesson I was even in right now, I couldn't pay attention no matter how hard I try. The voices just faded into the background as the ticking from the clock echoed louder and louder around my head.

15 minutes. Just a quarter of an hour and then I am free, but I couldn't go straight to Adrian's. Kaden would be pissed if I didn't show up for the meeting, he sounded really serious and I was curious to know what he had to say and then he could confirm Cameron's safety, then I could finally relax.

Cameron surprised us all earlier, I had seen his true eyes before, however the others hadn't. But this time they were consistent, he was in full power and he knew it but this time he didn't hide from it. The idea was terribly exciting and seeing him like that did some strange, alien things to me. I didn't know how to react in that moment, I knew he wouldn't hurt them boys because in that moment I saw the real him and for a split second I saw real sadness in his eyes.

He didn't have it in him to inflict pain on someone so innocent but he was a fighter, that's how he survived so long, that's how he had the strength to keep going, he just doesn't know it yet.

This time was different though, because this time he wasn't alone, he had all of us and especially me to look out for him and I was so incredibly thankful to my friends. There was nothing more important to me than giving Cameron the second chance he deserves.

I cringed, pulling myself out of my own thoughts. Just how mushy could I get? I was never an affectionate person but somehow, in such a short period of time Cameron has managed to pull out these weird emotions and thoughts, something I thought I didn't even possess but apparently I was wrong.

Looking at the time again, I sat up straight in my seat. 2 minutes. Note to self, getting lost in thought makes time go a hell of a lot faster. I will have to remember that.

The last two minutes passed quickly to my relief and for the first time at this school, I joined the crowd of students rushing their way out of the classroom. It was hard to avoid being pressed into people in the process but I didn't pay that any attention as I pushed myself out the room and ran down the corridors, ignoring the stares I felt on my back.

I rushed to my locker, quickly disposing of my books and grabbing my backpack. There was no hiding the fact that I was in a hurry but before I could make it out of the school doors, I was stopped by Adrian who grabbed my shoulder.

Exasperated, I turned around to face him, standing at his locker beside Zach. He smiled before telling me to calm down through our mind link. The thought really made me laugh, I was never really close to Adrian, we just kind of knew of each other but since everything with his memory happened, we have slowly become closer and I liked to think of him as a friend, I didn't know him that well but he was one of the closest people I've got. It was always Kaden I was the closest to, I used to think he only spoke to me out of pity but I have learned quite a lot about our king in the past few years. He was really a great person and someone I can now proudly call my friend.

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