Chapter 15 - Where Are You?

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-Gabriel's POV-

Waking up to Cameron wrapped in my arms was a dream come true. I've never woken up in a better mood in my life but now I didn't want to move, and I knew we had school.

Pushing that thought to the back of my mind I let myself get lost in the boy in my arms, his scent was driving me crazy and having his body pressed so close against my own was not helping one bit but he looked so peaceful, a small smile on his face as he slept.

Carefully I let me fingers comb gingerly through his dirty blond hair, loving how his head was buried against my chest.

And although I was trying extremely hard not to wake him, I felt him stir against me, I didn't want this moment to end.

Cameron's eyes slowly lolled open to reveal his dark blue eyes that had me lost every time, I don't think I've wanted to drown in anybody's eyes before, until now that is.

It took him a moment to realise where he was before I watched his cheeks catch fire, his eyes widening as he tried to lean away from me but I just tightening my grip, refusing to let go so easily.

The boy finally calmed down and settled into my embrace, allowing himself to fully relax as his cheeks still shone with a fiery red blaze, that made my heart jump.

"Morning." I whispered, enjoying the serene moment that would no doubt be ruined any moment by an overly energetic Adrian.

"Morning." Cameron mumbled back; I could hear the embarrassment in his voice but that didn't stop him from burying his head back against my chest with a content sigh.

I wanted to ravish my keeper and make him mine forever but before the thought could be turned into actions I could possibly regret, there was a loud knock on the door.

Cameron groaned aloud, making me chuckle as I refused to let him leave my side, just as the door swung open.

"Aww, aren't you two cute." Adrian smiled brightly in the doorway; a cup of coffee clutched tightly in his hand. "Time for school, children!" He beamed.

"Yes mum." I grumbled, finally releasing my squirming keeper, but he didn't make any move to get out of bed until Adrian had gone.

"How did you sleep?" I asked while climbing out of bed, my heat source now gone so there wasn't much point laying there for any longer.

"Good. Great actually, I can't remember the last time I slept so well." And with just a few words, Cameron had made my day.

"I'm glad and in conclusion that was the best nights sleep I have ever had." I chuckled as I watched his cheeks light up again before he shuffled his way to the bathroom. The temptation to join him was so great but I knew he wasn't ready for that. I still had to let him make the first moves.

So, instead I sat patiently, waiting for Cameron to finish in the shower so I could have one myself. I was in great need of a cup of coffee, but I would feel a lot better after a shower first so instead I just waited, letting my mind wonder.

I wondered if he would freak out if I used our mind-link to talk to him, but I quickly pushed the thought away, that would definitely be a bad idea right now.

It didn't take long before Cameron came walking back into the room and I quickly snapped out of my thoughts, sending a bright smile his way as I jumped up and made my way into the bathroom.


The kitchen was quiet as I sat nursing a cup of coffee, I had a feeling nobody wanted to go to school today but we were left with no choice.

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