Chapter 11 - A Little Bit Of Calm

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-Gabriel's POV-

For the first time in years I woke up with a smile on my face and it kind of freaked me out but the energy that ran through my body was like nothing I had ever felt and I lived for it.

Today we would all go out as friends, no drama, no business, just fun in mind and to be honest I think we all needed it. It had been a rough few months for everyone and just as things had started to look up for me, they were getting worse for Kaden. I worried about him, he was my closest friend, the only person that always had my back no matter what and also the one who knows the most about me and my past, although with Cameron coming into my life like a supernova that may change pretty soon. But today we get to relax and not worry about all that.

With that thought in mind I got ready in record timing and sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, staring at the time.

Kaden said we would all meet up at 9, and although I tried to take a long shower, I simply couldn't contain my excitement and thus I'm staring at a clock that ready 8am. I couldn't sit still for an hour, yet it was too early to actually go out, and doing anything else would be pointless, I'm not going to be able to focus. A sigh left my mouth as my eyes fell onto the cup in my hands and I willed time to go faster.

-Cameron's POV-

Adrian swung on the side singing along to some song that was currently playing on the radio, Zach sat next to me at the table eating breakfast and I sat quietly sipping on the coffee Adrian had made me, it was bitter but I kind of liked it.

I was really nervous for today but the others didn't seem fazed like this was an everyday thing but I didn't know how to react. I'm still trying to process everything that happened with Gabriel, who was I when all that happened? That wasn't me, I wasn't like that, I never would have thought I'd have that in me but I was there, I was in control and I knew everything I was doing. It was just different, like I'd been possessed by another version of me.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't scare me but then again with the place I came from, most things scared me. That's a conversation I would have to have with these people soon but I didn't quite understand why I couldn't bury that behind me now. For how much longer will that part of my life have to be important for?

After another 45 minutes of Adrian being overly hyper for the time of morning, we headed out, I jumped into the backseat of the car and spent the ride staring out of the window, a worried mess.

The car finally came to a stop at about ten past 9 and I quickly tried to take in my surroundings, as it seemed we pulled up in front of an old 80's diner.

"I told you we were going to be late." Zach huffed, scurrying out of the car and running towards the building in front.

Before I could open the door, Adrian turned around to me from the driver's seat.

"Nervous?" He asked and the question made me think. I was nervous but what was there to be nervous about exactly? I trusted everyone here, I get to spend more time with the boy I have apparently become obsessed with and we were here to have some fun, something I haven't had in, well, ever.

So with a small smile on my face I said no and we proceeded to climb out of the vehicle and towards the building we'd watch Zach enter. Maybe it was the act of seeing Gabriel again that made me nervous but instead I let myself calm down to enjoy a day with the people I was slowly learning to call friends.

I followed Adrian closely into the diner until we came to a booth where Zach was hovering but hadn't sat down yet.

"I'm gonna order us some drinks, what are you having Cameron?" Zach asked with a smile as he tried to make Adrian sit down without pulling him into his lap.

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