Chapter 19 - Claiming My Keeper

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-Gabriel's POV-

I don't know how long we slept for, but the sun was high in the sky by the time I woke up, a smile plastered across my face as Cameron lay asleep in my arms.

It was clearly way passed noon, yet nobody had woken us up for school, and I didn't hear any noise in the house except for Cameron's soft breathing from where we lay in my arms. Did they leave us to sleep?

Minutes passed before I decided I wanted to make Cameron breakfast, only problem is, I don't want to move. He looked so peaceful lying in my arms, his long lashes sprawled across his cheeks, a small smile sitting on his lips.

I wanted to kiss him but didn't want to risk waking him up, he was clearly tired and needed all the sleep he could get and what better way to start the day than breakfast in bed.

So, after laying there for a few more minutes watching my keeper sleep, I untangled myself from his body with a heavy heart, trying to be as gentle as possible before my body hit the cooling air of the room, I had to admit it was a lot warmer laying in bed with Cameron.

Resisting the urge to climb back into my keepers arms, I made my way to the bathroom for a quick shower, the warm water soothed my body and I couldn't believe I had spent another night with Cameron, I knew I would have to go home soon though, I really needed to change my clothes.

Would Adrian kill me if I borrowed some of his? As much as I didn't want to enter his room, I might not have much choice.

I quickly dried myself off before sending Adrian a quick text.

Gabriel: Can I borrow some clothes?

Adrian: Yeah, man. Help yourself, me and Zach are at school but thought we'd leave you to rest, enjoy some alone time ;)

I rolled my eyes but thanked him anyway. His room was actually rather neat which I definitely was not expecting but I guess Zach is the reason for that. I rushed to get what I needed and changed before leaving the room quickly, not wanting to stay in there any longer than I had to.

Cameron was still asleep so I made my way downstairs, I don't remember the last time the house was this quiet, but I enjoyed the silence while I could.

One day I would learn all of Cameron's favourite foods and drinks but for today I settled with waffles, knowing he liked them. I could tell he wasn't a fan of coffee, and since it was coming up to one in the afternoon, I figured it was an acceptable time for milkshakes.

I did however drink a cup of coffee as I was making the food, and not before long I had two plates of waffles and syrup and two strawberry milkshakes.

The balancing act began as I placed everything onto a tray and carefully walked up the stairs and to the front of Cameron's bedroom door, I was starting to regret closing it behind me as I tried to use my elbow to open the door, while balancing the tray.

It took a few attempts, but I finally managed to get it open and quickly placed the tray on the bedside table, making sure nothing would fall before I climbed back into bed beside Cameron who was still asleep.

A part of me really didn't want to wake him up, I felt bad and knew he was exhausted after yesterdays events but I also knew he would feel a lot better once he had some food in his stomach.

Neither of us had eaten since lunch yesterday and I could feel the hunger setting in so I knew he would be feeling it too, he was just asleep so he didn't notice but it would hit him once he woke up.

So, I did what I had to and woke him in the best way I knew how. My arms wrapped around the slender boy, encasing him in my warmth as my mouth went against his neck, leaving sweet kisses in my wake.

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