Chapter 17 - Saving You

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-Gabriel's POV-

Those bastards will regret ever laying a finger on my keeper, I was livid. Cameron sounded so scared, so frightened. How dare they do something so traumatic to such a sweet, innocent boy.

Kaden placed a hand on my shoulder to try and calm me down, but nothing was helping, I won't be okay until Cameron is back in my arms. How dare they take him for me. And what bullshit lies have they been spilling. His parents? Why would they come back after all these years?

My poor baby was so hopeful, so full of kindness and faith and they used it against him, and I hated the doctors for it, I wanted to make them all pay.

"Getting angry won't solve anything." Of course, I knew this, and Kaden was never wrong but that didn't help calm me down.

"Gabriel...calm down, I can feel your anger from here." I heard him chuckle and I knew that his eyes would be blazing with life. I loved both sides of him but honestly this side was a massive turn on.

I shook my head quickly; this is not the time for that. Cameron had finally snapped out of it and let loose, now how do we get him out of there?

"He's out of the restraints." I told Kaden and Adrian who examined the outside of the building that had guards covering every angle.

"Does the room he is in have a window?" Kaden asked, not looking away from the building, from where we were crouched behind thick, green bushes.

"Do you see a window?"

"No, just a door." I told Kaden and we were all left thinking the same thing. What's behind the door?

"It's locked." Shit. I know he could break through but that would attract a lot of unwanted attention.

"The door is locked." I told Kaden to which he nodded.

"Let's go. Tell Cameron to hold on." Kaden walked his way around the back of the building with Adrian on his tail.

"Hold on, baby. We're coming." I thought as I followed them, not sure on what their plan was.

"What are we doing?" I used my mind-link on Adrian this time, worried that they had planned something out with me knowing.

"No idea." He replied smiling as his arms swung by his side. I kept forgetting he was hurt so he would need to take it easy. We were kind of at a disadvantage here, but Kaden was a great fighter when he needed to be and if he thought the threat was that great, he would have called for backup.

We finally came to a stop near one of the back entrances that had a guard placed directly at the door, but from this angle no other guard would be able to see us. Now how do we deal with him without the other guards noticing?

"Adrian, do you think you can get him over here without alerting the other guards?" I was confused as to why he was speaking to me, until I realised, he'd opened a mind-link between the three of us. Clever.

"You got it boss." I watched in confusion as Adrian pulled off his top, revealing his nasty looking cuts and bruises and then in horror as he stumbled out of the bush we were hiding behind and over to the guard stood near the door.

Kaden and I crouched down further so the guard wouldn't see us and watched on as he caught sight of Adrian stumbling towards him.

"Mum..." We heard Adrian say as he sniffed, pretending to not have noticed the guard.

"Woah, what happened to you, kid?" The man asked, taking a step away from the door and towards Adrian.

"Mum?" I don't know Adrian did it, but he looked fucking out of it. Who knew he was such a good actor?

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