Chapter 18 - Unspoken Truths

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-Cameron's POV-

They actually came to save me, I'm not crazy. I couldn't explain how happy I felt but that could be because of the electricity that had travelled through my bones and left me in a constant state of pain.

Doctor White wasn't looking too good either, Kaden and Adrian really did a number on the man. He was really angry when he saw me out of my restraints, I panicked, not knowing what to do when he came at me with the baton.

I felt the baton hit against my side, sending shocks through me that slowed my heart and sent me to the floor. I thought I was done for when my saviours came rushing through the door.

To know that I wasn't crazy, that everything was real, and I wasn't just hearing voices, wow I felt strong, hope rushed through me and I knew I could really rely on these guys.

I wanted to cry but my body was too exhausted. Now all I want to do is cuddle up in bed with Gabriel and sleep till my heart's content. But there was something I wanted to do first.

Separating myself from Gabriel was harder than it sounded, he was finally here with me and I didn't want to lose that, but this wouldn't take long.

Gabriel was watching me with worry as he helped me to my feet. I limped my way over to Doctor White who was on his knees at the foot of the reclining chair. Adrian had a hand on his shoulder, forcing him to stay on the ground and Kaden looked towards me with a concerned frown.

"Cameron?" Gabriel called out my name and I hoped he would forgive me, but I needed to do this for myself.

I stood in front of the doctor whose eyes quickly found mine as a weak smile spread across his face.

"You were like a son to me, Cameron. I didn't want to lose you." He mumbled, cringing in pain. I didn't respond, I had no sympathy for the man as I raised my fist and punched him hard across the face, causing him to fall back onto the ground.

I didn't check to see if he was still conscious, I didn't care. I just walked back over to Gabriel and asked him to take me home.

Gabriel wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me out of the room.

"That was awesome!" I heard Adrian say as he and Kaden followed us out.

"We have still got to find a way out of here and make sure this never happens again." Kaden placed a hand on my shoulder and as I felt the pain subsiding, I stopped.

Gabriel flashed me a confused look as he stopped with me to make sure I was okay. The tingling died down and I felt like I could breathe again.

Kaden retreated his hand, the pain almost completely gone.

"How did you do that?" I asked in shock, my voice quiet as I stared at him in amazement.

"It's a trait Adrian and I have, you could learn it too, you know?" Kaden shared a smile, while taking in his surroundings. I could take someone's pain?

"Thank you." I said but it had me wondering where the pain went, surely there were repercussions from doing something like that.

"So, what now?" Adrian asked, we were in a pretty bad predicament, but I had an idea.

"Follow me." I didn't need to hold onto Gabriel for support anymore, but I stayed close to him anyway, being near him brought me comfort and god knows I needed that in a place like this.

I lead them down the corridor and took a right, leading down to where a singular room stood away from all the others.

The door swung open to reveal the room I had spent most of my life in, I basically grew up in this room and over the years I became so familiar with these four walls.

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