Chapter 9 - Temptation

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*Gabriel's POV*

I was worried. I didn't know how Cameron would react to this new found information. None of us knew when June and Bobby would be back, but one thing was for sure, we were not expecting them back at such a time. I guess we were all secretly hoping to avoid any more complications until things were properly sorted out, but things never worked out that way and life always found a way to screw me over. I wondered how long they would stay for, but I didn't let myself ponder on that for too long as my mind travelled back to Cameron. June said he didn't freak out just politely asked not to talk about it for the time being, but was he really okay? She didn't give a lot away but for now it was enough.

She had asked him if he has found his keeper, even explaining what one was. Did he question it? There was no way of him knowing I was his keeper, right? A sigh escaped my lips as I now sat alone in the kitchen. Adrian and Zach had both left to go upstairs, June and Bobby making some excuse about going to the shop.

Should I go talk to him? I really wanted to see him, it's all I could think about since leaving him with Kaden earlier. Did he want to see me? Another sigh and I dragged myself from my seat at the kitchen table. I needed to see if he was okay for myself, he may even need somebody to talk to.

I was proud of Cameron, he was a lot stronger than he seemed to think, anyone would have freaked out in his situation but he still stayed strong, even if he didn't see that himself, it was something that made me hold a strange sense of pride for the boy I barely knew. I headed up the stairs, coming to stand in front of Cameron's open door. Adrian and Zach were getting cuddly with each other as a very awkward looking Cameron averted his eyes.

Rolling my eyes I called out to them, could they really not wait until they were alone? It was clear they were making Cameron uncomfortable but it was also clear they were so lost in each other that they probably forgot Cameron was even in the room.

Adrian smirked at me and just as I was about to open my mouth Cameron strode quickly towards me. The action caused me to forgot what I was about to say and instead my attention fell onto Cameron as I smiled softly, and before I could ask him if he was okay I was thrown into shock as his arms wrapped around me, crushing me into a hug. Instantly, my heart started pounding against my chest, enjoying his closeness all too much. After a moment, I managed to pull myself from my shocked state and selfishly wrapped my arms around him, returning the hug. And in my caught up state, I vaguely heard Adrian and Zach leave the room, softly closing the door behind them.

Cameron was pressed up close against me, his head buried into my shoulder, his grip on me almost desperate as he clung to me. I didn't protest, just held him even tighter as I allowed myself to get lost in the hug. Holding him as close to me as possible, I let my hand run through his hair, a soft intake of breath escaping my keepers lips as my hand continued to comb through his hair, and seemingly calm him, a sensation that felt simply amazing.

His scent consumed my senses, filling my nose with the sweetest aroma I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing. A small groan rumbled in my throat and I tried to not let it slip through my lips, with not much success. There were no words to describe how badly I wanted my keeper right now...and forever.

Cameron pulled back slightly so he could look at me and I knew my eyes were flashing. They acting like a light bulb that wasn't screwed in properly which was beyond annoying but I didn't know how to fix it. His forehead pressed against mine and to say I was surprised was an understatement, what has gotten into him? I wasn't complaining, I just let myself enjoy the moment at hand, at feeling Cameron so close to me, it was like floating as I lost myself in my own personal heaven.

-Cameron's POV-

My body seemed to move on its own accord at seeing Gabriel standing in the doorway. He slipped into the room; his attention locked onto Adrian as he talked to him. But his words didn't reach my ears as a temptation I couldn't resist took over me. Like nothing I had ever felt before, and something I couldn't ignore. So I didn't. My legs didn't stop moving until I was standing directly in front of him and without warning my arms wrapped around his taller frame, locking my arms securely around his neck as I clung to him desperately, my body crushing perfectly against his. I couldn't understand it, I didn't need to, I needed him. And I didn't fail to miss his gasp of surprise but instead of pushing me away, he wrapped his arms around me and it was there, I melted.

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