Chapter 25 - Great Honour

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Happy Valentine's Day!


-Cameron's POV-

"So, you ready to show me what you're really made of?" Adrian grinned as I managed to pull my eyes away from Gabriel.

A part of me was hoping that was all I needed to do but I guess throwing Adrian down to the ground one time wasn't going to prove anything, but did I really have to fight him?

"Would you feel more comfortable with Kaden as your opponent?" I gulped and quickly shook my head, I had never seen Kaden fight, but he is the king and just that thought alone sent shivers up my spine, he would probably eat me alive, but I knew Kaden would never really hurt me.

I heard Adrian laugh as he once again took a fighting stance in front of me. His energy was fascinating, it seemed he was always ready to fight no matter the situation, but I guess that was his job as Kaden's knight.

Okay Cameron, you can do this, just think of it as play fighting, nobody has to get hurt and even though the use of my powers scared me, I would have to learn to use them eventually and that's what my friends were here for.

Huh, my friends. I felt myself smile and with a look of confidence I somehow managed to muster up some courage from just that thought alone, I faced Adrian.

His eyes shone with a silver glow in front of me, but I kept my true eyes at bay before I loosened up on my feet, my mind flashed with thoughts of Gabriel and I used it to channel what inner peace I could find.

I wasn't an idiot; I have read more than a lifetime's worth of masterpieces formed by authors of the ages that date back to centuries ago. I knew how to fight, I just never did but I could be my own person now, a keeper to truly be proud of.

My name is Cameron Aiton and I am a soldier, a soul mate and a friend and for once in my life I had a purpose. For once in my life, I am not worthless.

The world became clear in front of me and my attention locked solely onto Adrian, even though in reality my head was filled with thoughts of Gabriel.

I didn't notice my eyes changing colour, nor did I notice the orange streaks encircling my arms, nor the shocked looks of my peers as I let the power surge through me. The air was shifting around me.

It was mine to control and as I let my body fly forwards, I didn't feel scared. My body felt light as I charged toward Adrian who had already recovered from his shock and was again fully prepared to fight. There was a twinkle in his eyes, and suddenly I was hit with his aura, he was excited but most importantly, he was powerful.

His aura poured off him in waves and I could sense his being in front of me, like I was only just seeing him for the first time. And then three more behind me, one of them more powerful than the others, luring me in but I couldn't lose focus, no matter how much it begged.

My clenched hand swung towards Adrian who quickly sidestepped, our bodies moved quickly, hitting and dodging and there was no denying Adrian was good at what he did, he took pride in it, he reeked of it and somehow, I felt pride for him.

The air seemed to thicken around us as I forced myself to breath and ran toward him, he was bracing himself for an attack but that wasn't my plan. My body span around him, looping around until we were standing back-to-back.

I'd lost him in a moment of confusion and that was all I needed to swing round and with a swift kick to the back of his leg he fell tumbling to the floor. His hands held him up as he manged to regain composure and he turned around quick, but I didn't give him time as my fist sunk into his stomach and a groan forced its way passed Adrian's lips.

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