Chapter 12 - The truth about Gabriel

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That night we got back to Adrian's; they were quick to set up the games console. After many failed attempts at getting me to play with them, I found myself in the kitchen in search of a drink.

I didn't hear Gabriel enter behind me, rather felt his presence there as I poured myself a glass of water.

"Why don't you want to play?" He asked me, taking a seat at the table.

I bit my lip; hesitant to answer. I didn't want Gabriel to ever think anything bad of me and I definitely didn't want to embarrass myself in front of him, but I couldn't lie to him either.

"I've never played, I wouldn't know how" I admitted.

"That's okay, I've never been any good either." He sent me a reassuring smile, his cheeks a light pink as he presented me with a small grey wolf teddy.

"I-uh...Adrian dragged me off at the fair because he wanted to get Zach something without him knowing, of course he won on his first go so I decided to try myself and well..." His cheeks grew redder with each word that left him mouth; it was a rare occasion I got to see Gabriel embarrassed but I found myself smiling.

"For you." I stared, my mouth agape at the small wolf teddy that sat outstretched in his hands in front of him. I took the teddy from him gingerly, unsure of what to say.

My eyes caught attention of the words that were written on the wolf's stomach; Forever bound.

I was shocked, staring starstruck at the words in front of me, how could one person I'd known for such a short amount of time have such an effect of me?

Too lost in the moment, I didn't notice the stray tear that fell down my cheek until I felt Gabriel's hand brushing it away, he was looking at me concerned but before he could say anything I threw my arms around him.

"Thank you." There was nothing more I could say, no words could amount to the way he made me feel with such a gesture. Nobody had ever been so kind to me, I would treasure this forever. I don't think he realised just how much it meant to me.

I pulled away quicker than I had intended as my hand rested over my pocket.


"I have something for you too." His worried look changed to one of curiosity as I reached into my pocket to retrieve the necklace. I was embarrassed but it didn't matter, he had done so much for me.

I took Gabriel's hand in mine, placing it open in front of him as I gently placed the necklace into the palm of his hand.

He examined it surprised as his eyes took in every little detail until he noticed the engraving on the small silver key, Soul mates. It wasn't much but I hope he liked it, it seemed kind of perfect, really.

"Cameron..." He pulled his shocked expression away from the necklace to lock eyes with me and I nearly gasped, seeing his bright silver eyes looking at me with an unfamiliar expression.

"I could kiss you right now." It seemed he couldn't quite pull his attention away from the necklace, almost in shock, I knew what he felt, it was the same when he handed me the wolf. He felt...loved.

That expression...was that love? Could I ever be so...lucky? The days moved so fast, it scared me, but Gabriel became such a strong part of me, I felt like I could take on the world with him by my side. And I would do it all over and over again, all for him. And to think I never knew what love was, what a way to learn.

I wanted to cry but this time, for the first time in my life, it would be happy tears. Maybe, just maybe, I was ready.

"Then do it." I don't know where the spout of confidence came from or if it would last but one thing was finally certain to me, I didn't want to lose Gabriel and I would do everything in my power to stop that from ever happening.

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