Chapter 24 - Training In Progress

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-Cameron's POV-

I told Gabriel about the conversation I had with Kaden and Adrian and I saw him smile with what looked like pride swimming in his beautiful hazel eyes.

It was a strange look, one that took me a long time to understand, thing is I don't think anyone has ever been proud of me before, and if anyone ever was, I never knew, nobody had ever told me they were proud of me or showed it on their face.

So, when Gabriel's eyes swam with pride, I felt a warmness travel through my body, it made me happy, somebody was finally proud of me, and for the first time in forever I felt like I was enough.

Now that I had a purpose, I was going to fight for it, the determination took over me and I had no plans of letting Gabriel down, or anyone else for that matter.

Kaden would no longer just be my friend, he would be my king, my companion and in a way my boss but I didn't mind, I've come to trust him, and I finally knew he would never betray that trust and I plan on returning the favour.

Nerves were wracking through my body as I sat on Gabriel's bed, thinking over all the events of the day, yeah so much had happened to change my life and there was still so much more to come.

Training would start tomorrow, and I was nervous, I wanted so much to impress people, but I was so worried I would screw up.

I bit my lip as I wrung my fingers, what if they were wrong and I wasn't actually a soldier? What if it was all one bit misunderstanding and I embarrassed myself? I didn't want to be useless anymore, but what if that was just who I am?

Gabriel made it clear time and time again that I shouldn't doubt myself but sometimes I couldn't help it. The thoughts just consumed my mind, and I was pulled back into the darkness I had become so accustomed to.

"What are you thinking about?" I jumped, having not heard Gabriel enter the bedroom. I didn't want to sound like a broken record, but I knew I couldn't lie to him, even if I could he would know I was lying.

"I'm nervous about tomorrow." I said, seeing Gabriel's eyes soften as he walked towards the bed, he sat next to me and took my hand in his.

Tingles ran through my fingers and coated my hands, instantly relaxing me as I let myself get lost in the feeling and intertwined our fingers together.

"I know you'll do great, even if you don't know it yourself yet but Kaden won't let you get hurt and I'll be there the whole time to cheer you on." He smiled, squeezing my hand gently.

I tried to smile but it didn't feel right, I wanted to be happy to calm Gabriel's mind but my own was so full of doubts and worries that smiling was hard, so after a failed attempt that I knew he saw right through, I sighed.

"What if I can't do it? I don't want to disappoint anyone." They have all done so much for me that if I failed tomorrow, I don't think I would be able to face them, it would be shameful.

"So, what if you can't, I can't." My eyes met Gabriel after having fell to the floor.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"I can't fight, never have been able to. For years I've been known as a freak, but you know what? I don't care, I still have my friends, the people who know the real me and not just the stories and no matter what, they never gave up on me so why do you think you'll be any different. But you can fight, Cameron. I've seen you; we all have, Kaden would have never suggested the idea if he knew you couldn't do it. I know you doubt yourself, if anything I think that is normal, so even if you don't believe yourself, believe in me."

Silence settled among us as I let his words sink in. Gabriel can't fight but that doesn't bother me, I don't want him to fight, the thought of him ever getting hurt didn't sit well with me, I want to protect him, to keep him safe and happy.

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