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I don't know when, but I must have fell asleep. All I know is I woke up in Hayes' arms to a bright light. A flash. When my eyes focused I saw Grayson in front of the slides. 

Hayes must have been asleep too cause I felt him jerk up when Gray took the picture. 

"Grayson. What are you doing?" 

"Sorry, but y'all were so cute and I have been waiting for you two to get together"

I roll my eyes, "Whatever. Hey Grayson, what time is it?"

He pulls out his phone, " 7:30, you've been asleep for like an hour and a half." He walks back to the table with Kassidy who looks like she has also been sleeping.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep. I promise I wasn't bored." I say to Hayes with a sad face

He chuckles a little, "Thanks, you're pretty entertaining as well. As for falling asleep, I did too. You don't need to apologize. I enjoyed just sitting here with your head on my chest. I like how we were comfortable enough that we could fall asleep. I hate when I feel tense with people, but something about you that makes me so comfortable and I can be myself around you. I know this is kinda soon but I have been thinking about it a lot, I have been thinking about you a lot, and I would really like it if you would be my girlfriend."

I smile, "I would be lying if I said I haven't thought about you a lot too and I would really like to be your girlfriend."

"So is that a yes?"

"Yes" I wrap my hands around his neck and he put his around my waist and pulls me closer until our lips touch, slowly moving in sync.

"Woohoo!" Kassidy and Grayson cheer from their table but we ignore them and continue our, now, make out.

Ethan's POV

I still feel bad and it is almost 8. I wish I knew what was wrong so I could fix it but I just can't figure it out. 

I decide to check social media and there isn't much (they aren't famous in my story)

I am going through all of the new Snapchat stories and when I get to Grayson's story I see Hayes and Jencie holding hands with the caption, "I ship it" I clench my phone then tap the screen to see Kassidy sleeping on his lap with the caption, "I'm so lucky". I tap the screen and see Jencie sleeping on Hayes chest with the caption, "awww s'cute"

I tap the screen angrily, but why? 

I continue to look through the stories when I get to Jencie's. A picture of Hayes kissing her cheek with the caption, "So happy to call him my boyfriend." BOYFRIEND?! This word made me so angry. And that is when it hit me. 

I like Jencie. Like REALLY like her.

I might even love her. But I don't have a chance with her. 

I guess I better get used to feeling like crap...

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