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Jencie's pov

Its been over a week since the kiss and we haven't spoken about it. We have just acted like it never happened. I  haven't even told Kassidy about it. I still am trying to figure out what to make of it. I should really talk to Kassidy.

I text her, Can you come over?

She says shes on her way so I just wait for her in my room.

"Hey," She walks in 20 minutes later, "what's up?"

"I need to something."

"About what?"

"Uh, Ethan." I look down embarrassed. 

"OOOO, tell me!" she exclaims.

"Okay." I pause, "We, uh, might have kissed"




"At the beach last week."

"And you are just telling me?!"

"I've been trying to figure out what it meant."

"What do you mean? You kissed. There must be something going on."

"Actually we haven't talked about it since." I sigh, "he pretends it didn't happen."

"Maybe he is scared of what you will say? He is very shy, I am surprised he kissed you."

"Maybe, but I sort of am the one that kissed him..."

"What?! I thought you 'didn't feel that way about him' earlier that day?"

"I didn't plan it, but after hanging out all day, I don't know, it just happened."

"You guys need to talk about it."

"I  know, I will." I sigh again, "But later, okay?"

"As long as you talk to him." She smirks, "And of course tell me everything after."

"Duh." We laugh

"Does Gray know?"

"I don't know, I didn't  tell him but Ethan might have."

"He needs to know"

"What is y'all's deal with me and Ethan?"

"We just think you would make a cute couple." She looks away, she is hiding something but before I can say anything, "I will go get Grayson so we can tell him."

"Kassi‐"  Before I can finish she is gone. I don't know how I feel about Gray being involved with my love life, especially since it is now centered around his brother.

They walk in and Gray looks both confused and tired.

He rubs his eyes, "what was so important you woke me up?"

"We, well she, has news!"

"What is it Jencie?"

"We kissed." I cover my face muffling my voice.


I lift up my head, now facing him, "Me and Ethan kissed"

"Why didn't I know this? When?"

Kassidy tells him everything while I sit on my bed embarrassed, probably tomato red by now.

"You need to talk to him." He says

Kassidy smiles at him, "That's what I said."

I look up to him, "I will, later"

"Later, later, later." Kassidy says looking slightly annoyed, "It is always later with you when it comes to stuff like this. You need to do it sooner rather than later."

"like when?"

"Now works"


"Why not?"

"I'm not ready yet"

"Knowing you you'll never be 'ready'" she used air quotes around ready, "It happened over a week ago, if you're not ready now, when will you be?"

"I know, you're right"

"Duh, now go."

I hesitate but slowly get out of bed.

I get more and more anxious the closer I get to his room.

Knock knock

"Come in"

I open the door slowly and peak inside where he is laying up on his bed.

"Hey, Ethan. We should talk"

A/N Hoped you liked it:)

What do you think will happen after they talk?


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