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We played with the water skimmer for a while (btw this is a jelly ball thing that bounces, or skims, the water) until we got hungry.

Hayes is coming in like 3 1/2 hours, which I had completely forgot about because I was having so much fun with Ethan. 

I make two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while Ethan gets the drinks and chips out, and then we brought our food out side to eat.

The awkwardness between us has slowly drifted away and we have been talking all day.

He excuses himself while I finish eating and pick up my trash. As I am throwing my paper plate away, arms wrap around me. I kick and squirm but next thing I know, I am flying through the air and into the pool. 

Ethan jumps over me then swims to me.

"Why does everyone do this to me?"  I laugh

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear, "Sorry, you are just so little it is too easy. No hard feelings right?"

"I guess not, but only if there is no hard feeling about this," I splashed him with the biggest wave I could manage and swam away. 

He followed me and when I came up for air he splashed me which naturally turned to an all out war. We just splashed each other for what felt like forever until,

"Eh hem." It was Hayes standing by the pool.

"Oh no am I late?" I ran out of the pool 

He shakes his head "No I'm just early" 

Hayes POV

Ethan gets out of the pool and gives us a sad kind of disappointed look, I immediately understood. He has been avoiding me since I started dating Jencie. He likes Jencie. How was I so dumb not to realize it earlier.

"Hayes?" Jencie snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Oh right" I walked her inside.

"I am going to change real quick." 

"Okay, I'll be in the living room."

I sat on the couch for a while then Jencie walked in. 

"So you and Ethan are hanging out again?"

"Yea, Kassidy and Grayson are out all day and so I asked him if he wanted to swim."

I nod, "That's good. He hasn't been himself lately."

"So what do you need to tell me?" She asks

"Oh right. That." I swallow, "I want you to know I really care about you."

"Are you breaking up with me?"

"Trust me I don't want to." I lift her chin with my finger. "My mom is sick so I have to move back to  North Carolina to take care of her. I would've told you sooner but I just found out last night."

Tears start forming in her eyes but she is a strong girl won't let them fall. "When are you leaving?"

"In 2 days."

"So soon?"

"I know it is sudden. I wish it wasn't like this."

"Me too." She hugs me tight and neither of us let go. Neither of us want to let go.

"Hey," I say and she pulls away, "Remember how I said I really care about you?"

She nods

"I don't want you to be sad when I leave. I want you to find someone else. Someone who treats you like the princess you are." I look in the direction of Ethan's room, then back at her, "Maybe someone is closer than you think."

She smiles "Thank you Hayes."

"It's getting late, I need to leave soon but I need to talk to Ethan. Okay?"


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