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A/N sorry I've been gone let me explain. 3 weeks ago I drove up to my cousin's wedding and my dad's cousin's funeral and I know what youre thinking "why didn't you write in the car" and the answer is that I had to write an essay for my English final. 2 weeks ago I went to a radio show in Alabama and I know what youre thinking "why didn't you write in the car" and the answer is that I had to study for my finals I had that week. Ok and last week Iwas busy doing a bunch of little stuff and in my free time I just wanted to chill for a while so sorry but I'm back.

Anyway back to the story

Ethan Sits at the end of the table.

"Hey Ethan, I've heard so much about you. I'm Joshua"

"Yea, hey"

Just like I thought, the whole dinner was filled with Ethan being silent and Joshua tryna get him to talk.

Kassidy sent me concerned looks every once in a while.

Ethan, of course, and left to his room without a word.

The rest of the dinner is spent with Joshua and Kassidy talking, Gray eating his 2nd plate, and me, stirring my food around my plate.

Suddenly I'm not hungry.

After Joshua goes home and Gray drives Kassidy home.

When I know they're gone I let out the tears I've been holding in the whole dinner and sob into my pillows.

What did I do wrong?

Why does Ethan hate me?

I miss him

I love him

No, I'm in love with this guy and he won't even look at me.


Did I just say I'm in love with him?

I did

"I'm in love with Ethan Dolan"


I turn around and see Ethan standing in my doorway.

"Ethan?!" I wipe away some tears to make sure I'm not seeing things

"What did you just say?" He steps a little closer

I try to stop them but the tears start flowing again. Hard.

"Jencie, are you okay?" He wipes away some of the tears streaming down my face.

I collect myself enough to talk, "How would you feel if the person that hasn't said a word to you in a week, hears you say you're in love with them." I pause for a second, " and the worst part is, I don't even know why you hate me Ethan."

"What are you talking about, I could never hate you."

"Then why have you been ignoring me" It came out a little meaner than I intended.

"I-i I guess I was just angry and jealous."

"Of what?"

"Your new boyfriend."

I laugh a little

He looks confused, "What's so funny?"

"you've been ignoring me because of Joshua? He is just my friend. Since Kassidy is always with Grayson I needed a single friend to talk about some things with."


"You, mainly." I blush and look away realizing that I just exposed myself.

"Oh, really" he is enjoying me embarrassing myself.

"Shut up."

"What do y'all talk about me about?” he smirks

"Having a bi best friend is great. You get a guys point of view but he will still tell you if a guy is hot or not."

"So y'all talk about me being hot"

"Or not"

It's amazing, I almost forgot I was crying at the beginning of this conversation.

"Oh really, you're in love with someone you don't think is hot?"

Of course he brings that up "Shut up" I bite my lip.

"Stop that" he looks at with a fake annoyed face

"Stop what"

"Biting your lip like that, it drives me crazy"

"Like this?" I bite lip as slowly as possible.

"How did I get so lucky?"

"How did you get lucky?"

"I got someone as beautiful and as amazing as you to fall in love with me back."


Before I can ask what he meant his lips are on mine.

But at that moment I knew the answer.

Ethan is in love with me too

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