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Jencie's pov

I wake up in my bed.

"How'd I get here?" I think to myself.

After a few minutes I force myself out of bed to get breakfast and I am greeted by a great smell when I open my bedroom door.

"Eth, what are you doing?"

Ethan turns from the stove, "well I was planning on bringing you pancakes in bed cause I wanted to cheer you up but now you're out of bed so"

"Awww thanks, you're the best"

"I know" he gives a cocky grin and returns to his pancakes. It's then I notice that he is shirtless revealing his toned back.

Snap out of it

I walk over to him, "need help?"

"Nope, I'm supposed to do this for you. I'm almost done."

"I feel so useless"

"Then pour us some milk"

"That I can do"

He chuckles at me from the stove

"Is there something funny, Dolan?" I say in a joking voice.

"That was just cute is all." He chuckles again.

I roll my eyes, "stop laughing"

He laughs again, "You know, yours not very threatening."

"What are you talking about? I'm super threatening." I laugh a little this time.

"See, you don't even believe it." He puts the pancakes on a plate and sets them on the table,  "breakfast is served"

"Thank you"

We eat and the pancakes are amazing, which I tell Ethan many times.

As I put my plate in the sink I ask Ethan "where is Gray?"

"Oh. Uh. He is actually with Hayes. You know saying good bye and stuff."

"Ethan, I'm fine"

"I know, still."

I smile at him then grab the hose in the sink a spray him until, if he was wearing a shirt, it would be soaked .

"Now you've down it" he grabs the hose out of my hand and sprays me.

He puts up the hose and we both laugh, soaking wet, with puddles of water at our feet.

"I'll go get towels" he says between laughs and comes back with towel around his waist. He hands me one and starts wiping up the floor.

After the water is cleaned up and we change we decide to watch Netflix and I convince him to watch One Tree Hill (my fav show) and we sit next to each other on one of the couches watching until Grayson comes home.

"Hey guys."


"Hey Grayson"

"How you doing Jencie?"

"Pretty good thanks to Ethan." I smile to him.

"That's good, well, continue watching whatever your watching. Ethan we can talk later."

"Cool, see you later."

"Peace" he walks to his room and we resume watching it and surprisingly  Ethan really likes it. We watch the first 5 episodes before we decide it's time for lunch.

I just heat up some left overs but the twins go to sonic so they can talk about whatever Grayson wanted to talk about.

A/N I know this chapter is a little boring but it was just an awkward in between interesting chapters kinda chapter.
Anyway, hope you liked it:)

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