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A week has passed and Ethan still hasn't talked to me. I don't understand what is wrong but I try to act like everything is okay.

It is Friday and Joshua is coming over because I'm cooking dinner for the five of us, and maybe a little bit because Joshua has been bugging me about meeting Ethan since our "date"

I tell Grayson and Kassidy about my dinner plans and ask them to tell Ethan because I feel like he is upset with me but Joshua doesn't care, he just wants to meet him ASAP. 

I get to work on dinner, lasagna, right when there is a knock at the door.

"Kassidy can you get that?"

"No problemo" she opens the door, "Hey, Joshua"

"I finally get to meet the famous Kassidy!" He hugs her

"What are you  talking about? I've been waiting to see who has been taking all of my bestie's attention." she laughs, "Thank you, she finally stopped complaining about me hanging out with my boyfriend." 

"Speaking of, where is he? Jencie showed me pics of everyone and," he nudged her with elbow, "good job, by the way, he is hella cute."

"I know right? Hold on," She calls for Grayson and he walks in, "Gray meet Joshua.

"Nice to meet you," he hold out his hand to shake Grayson's, "May I say, the pictures Jencie showed me don't do you justice, Kassidy you better not let go of him." Then he joins me in the kitchen.

Grayson turns to Kassidy, "Did he just hit on me?"

She laughs, "Yea, Jencie says he isn't shy when it comes to guys or girls he thinks he is hot."

"Good to know."

"Hey Jencie!"

"Joshua!" I turn to hug him, while hugging him I see Ethan in the corner of my eye, and he doesn't look happy.

We talk about anything and everything while he helps me cook.

"So when do I get to meet your man?" he wiggle an eyebrow at me

"First of all he isn't 'my man', technically and I don't know why but, like I told you on the phone, he has been avoiding me.

"Well, he has to come out to eat so I will meet him at some point."

"Whatever, It is almost down anyway. Can you get Grayson and Kassidy and tell them to get Ethan please?"

He walks out to get everyone while I take the food out of the oven and get plates and stuff out.

Joshua walks back in, soon followed by Grayson and Kassidy. And then...... no Ethan.

I can't help but be upset.

Kassidy must notice cause she says, "he is coming in a minute." Then gives me a sad smile.

We all fix our plates and sit down to start eating when Ethan finally comes in.

He fixes his plate and start to walk back to his room.

"Ethan," he stops but doesn't turn around, "please sit with us."

He turns with an aggravated expression on his face but does as I ask.

Well, this is gonna be an interesting dinner.

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