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What does he  mean by "he totally likes you." 

I give him a confusing look, "Think about it" and then he turns and walks away.

And I did, think about it, all night.

I already knew he liked me to some extent but something about Joshua saying it made me feel some kind of way. Maybe it was getting an outsiders opinion? I don't know, what I do know is that I really like Ethan and I want to be with him.

The next day I me and Joshua texted all day. I missed this, texting my friend all day, Kassidy is always so busy with Grayson. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they are together, he makes her happier then I have seen here in a long time, but it is nice to talk to Joshua like I used to talk to her.

Ethan's POV

Jencie has been texting someone all day, and since Kassidy and Grayson have been together all day, I wonder who it could be. I want to ask but that's none of my business. Besides I don't want to be like a clingy boyfriend, especially before I get the courage to ask her to be my girlfriend.

Screw it.

I walk up to the couch where she is sitting, laughing at her phone.

I sit next to her, "hey"

"Hey Ethan." She smiles at me before returning her attention back to her phone.

"You have been glued to your phone all day," I laugh a little so I don't seem too clingy, "Who are you talking to?"

"My friend, Joshua. He is the one I went to the movies with last night."

"Oh cool." Oh great an awkward pause. "Um, I just remembered that I need to go to the store to get something."

"Oh, ok." She says then waves when I walk out of the door with my keys.

I get in the truck and drove with no destination in mind, or at least that I was aware of. Next thing I knew I was at the walking trail Jencie brought me and Gray to.

I get out and start walking.

A while later I see a small clearing which I figure out is the same place Jencie brought us to.

I sat on the same rock and let my thoughts and questions run wild.

"She went on a date last night, with someone other than me."

"She has been texting the guy all day."

"Is she dating him?"

All of these, plus many more, thoughts kept racking at my brain, but my main thought was:

"Why didn't I ask he to be my girlfriend during our date, cause I sure as hell wanted to."

I sit with my head in my hands, mentally beating myself up for hours, when it started getting dark I decided to head back to the truck before it got too dark and I got lost.

I drive home in no hurry and make sure to stop by the store so Jencie doesn't know I lied about needing to go to the store and I decided, if she asks why I took so long, to tell her I ran into an old friend and decided to eat dinner with them.

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