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I know some are confused about where Jencie's parents are so imma explain. If you don't car skip to "Jencie's pov".

I've never really explained why Jencie's parents are never around so here it is. The idea was that Jencie's parents have to travel around a lot for work meaning Jencie had to change schools a lot but she really liked the school you went to sophomore year. Her parents decided the she should be able to stay in one place for the rest of high school so they bought a 4 bedroom house  so they could rent out 2 rooms. One, so they could afford it. Two, so Jencie didn't live alone. The parents have a room because they do come home every once in a while, but mostly they are gone. This doesn't bother Jencie too much cause she has always been very independent.

Jencie's pov

I go to take a quick shower, and the water wakes me up so when I get out I decide to watch a movie before bed. 

Of course I need popcorn so I walk to the kitchen and I hear banging on a door and yelling

"Grayson, hurry up I need to take a shower too!"

"Calm down," I hear Grayson's muffled voice behind the door.

I laugh a little, "Hey Eth!"


"You can go in my bathroom if you want."

"I don't wanna be in your way."

"You won't, I will be in the kitchen making popcorn anyway."

"Are you sure?"

"Yea, come on," I lead him to my bathroom and clean up a little then show him where everything is.


"No problem.'

I leave to the kitchen and pop some popcorn and sprinkle in some white cheddar seasoning. I grab the bowl and bring it to my room and set it on my night stand and grab my laptop and turn around to leave, I just think he would want me in here while he is showering, maybe I'm just weird. But when I do he walks out, shirtless, with water droplets dripping down from his wet hair.

"Sorry, I was just getting my laptop." I blurt

"Why are you sorry? It's your room."

"You're right, I don't know."

"Watching a movie?" He motions to the popcorn.


"What movie?"

"I don't know yet." There is a long, awkward pause, we tend to have a lot of those for some reason. I have to break the silence, "Wanna join?"

"Uh, yea. Sure" 

"You don't have to."

"No, I want to."


Ugh why am I so awkward

"I'll be right back," he says before walking out.

I get comfy in my bed under the blankets and make a spot beside me for Ethan.

He comes back in and sees the spot next to me and takes it. Still shirtless, I might add.

"Have you chosen a movie yet?" He asks

"I was waiting for you."

"Well what about a comedy."

"Sounds good." I scroll to the comedy section on Netflix and Ethan points to one

"What about this one?"

"Ok" I click it and we start watching. The movie is hilarious and we are laughing the whole time.

When the popcorn bowl is empty, I move it out of the way and I think I see Ethan move a little closer.

I shrug it off and we continue the movie. By the end, I notice he is asleep so I put up my laptop as quietly as possibly and try to go to sleep, but it is hard to relax when he is sleeping so close to me.


Hope you are enjoying.


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