Chapter 14

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y/n's pov

"Jimin.....I thought you're.......... No, I can't trust you now..."

Tears flow down my cheeks.

"Sorry." Once I said it, I walk out of school.

V's pov

It happened again.

"Guys." Getting what I mean, they follow me.

"Where are you all going?" Jimin shouted from behind.

We didn't care about him. JiSung, GuanLin, JinYoung, WooJin, MinHyun and I are chasing after y/n. She is walking so fast that we have to run in order to catch up.

"y/n!" JiSung called.

"Wait!" WooJin shouted.

We catch up with her easily.

"I'm done with this. Let me go." She cried.

"No... We're on your side." MinHyun hold onto her.

"Even my brother is on her side. What can I do?" She said.

Recently, JiYeon accused y/n of bullying her and told JongSuk about it. At first, JongSuk didn't believe. But, evidences increase, causing JongSuk to trust her accuses. y/n was hurt by that, alot. It took a long time for me to calm her down. Now, this happens.

"I'm sorry V oppa. I can't stay there anymore." She shake off JiSung.

"Dont go..." I begged her.

"y/n-ah..." GuanLin and JinYoung pulled her back.

"Let go." She said firmly.

GuanLin and JinYoung didn't want to anger her further, so they let go. We watch her leave us, widening the gap a little by little.

"What should we do now?" WooJin sighed.

"Is she really leaving?" JinYoung is worried.

"Where is she going to stay?" JiSung asked.

"I'll go home and check. I'll inform you guys soon." I rush back home.

JiSung's pov

"Hyung...I'm worried." GuanLin said.

"V will take care of it. Let's wait for his call." I calmed them down.

At that moment, the others exit the school building, joining us.

"She left?" Jin asked.

"Yeah." MinHyun answered.

"Let's go home." I gathered Wanna One.

y/n's pov

I pack my stuff into my luggage. My heart is shattered. I don't want to see these people anymore, especially Jimin and JiYeon. I already planned beforehand. A few days ago, I've booked a flight ticket. I knew this would happen again, so I'm readily prepared. As I'm about to take my passport and leave, V barge into the room, panting hard.

"y/n....." He breathed.

He block the door with his arms.

"Please move, I've got somewhere else to go." I push his arms away.

Immediately, he grab onto my wrist. I turn to look at him.

"No. Where are you going?" He asked.

"Somewhere where I feel like home. People who are my real family." I try to release myself and I succeed.

I drag my luggage along and leave the house. V tries to stop me in many ways. I ignore him and hailed a taxi.

"Sorry V oppa." I get in the taxi, closing the door the moment I enter.

V's pov

"NO! DON'T GO! PLEASE!" I screamed as I run after the taxi.

Knowing that I can't stop the taxi, I quickly hailed another one. I tell the driver to follow y/n's taxi. In the meantime, I dialled JiSung's number and told him the whole situation.

Looking at the sign boards on the road side, the road is leading us to the airport. I texted the 5 of them and they are on their way to the airport.

"Please....don't leave me... I haven't confess to you...." I prayed.

Worse things do happen. y/n's taxi manage to cross the traffic light before it turns red.

"DANG IT!" I cursed inside.

I tap my foot impatiently, hoping the green light will turn on quickly. I already know where her taxi is going, so I told the driver to go to the airport. Once I get down, I run inside, looking around frantically.

"Where are you??" I can't seem to find her.

I run around the place like crazy. No sign of her. I even asked the security guards and they don't know anything. The 5 guys arrive a few minutes later, joining in the search. After a long time, we gather around.

"Did you know where is she going? Like which country?" JiSung asked.

"No..." I feel hopeless.

"This is bad... There are many flights now." MinHyun look at the departure board.

"We should wait near the departure entrance. We might have a higher chance of seeing her." WooJin suggested.

We follow him to the entrance, waiting anxiously. People are entering one by one. We look at each one of them closely, making sure that we don't lose sight of y/n.

y/n's pov

As I'm nearing the departure entrance, I notice some familiar faces. It's them. I put on a black cap and pull it down to cover my face as much as I can. Picking up my courage, I walk towards that area, queuing up behind some people. I avoid their eye contact. It's going to be my turn soon, just 3 more people.

"y/n?" GuanLin said.

"He caught me...I have to hurry." I panic.

"Yes it is! y/n!" JinYoung shout out.

I look at them this time, revealing myself carelessly. My eyes widen in shock, pulling my cap down.

"Wait! Don't!" V shouted.

"y/n!!!" MinHyun joined.

Ignoring them, I move forward. It's going to be my turn soon, 1 more person left.

"HOLD ON!!! DON'T GO IN!" V shouted loud enough for everyone near him to look up.

credits to owner for the video🎈🎀

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