Chapter 24

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Third person's pov

RapMonster and Suga are in the living room, doing different things. Suga is lying on the couch, taking a nap. Whereas RapMonster is watching television programmes. Jin is in the kitchen, preparing dinner for everyone. Jhope and Jimin are in the dance room, practicing on their dance moves. Jungkook and V are playing OverWatch in the gaming room, shouting here and there. RapMonster switches the channel constantly, hoping to find one that he is interested in. He continues to switch until he saw XiuYing appearing on television. Shocked, he shakes Suga who is lying beside him.

"Hyung hyung, look!" RapMonster taps on Suga repeatedly.

"Ughh, what is it?! I'm trying to sleep here!" Being a sleep lover, Suga hates to be waken up.

Suga didn't budge and just lay down there, ignoring his calls.


One by one, they gather in the living room, watching the television with RapMonster. Disturbed, Suga sits up grumbling.

"Oh? Isn't that XiuYing?" Jungkook exclaimed.

"Is this the interview that V is going?" Jimin commented.

"Since this is live, this must be it." Jin said.

They watch attentively, listening to her answers to Kim Hwan's questions.

"Indeed, fans are the best. Recently, some fans saw you and BTS TaeHyung near a shopping mall together. Is there any relationship between you both?" Kim Hwan interviewed.

"OMG! A QUESTION ABOUT V!!" Jhope burst out.

RapMonster increase the volume so that they can hear clearly.

"TaeHyung sunbaenim is my classmate. We attend the same school. BTS' fandom, ARMYs, would definitely know that he is very sociable. So, we became good friends. That day, we're just hanging out, chilling." XiuYing answered with a smile.

Everyone is astounded and speechless. Jimin felt wretched with grief.

"I see... So you know BTS?" Kim Hwan continued.

"Yup. Wanna One too." XiuYing said.

"She says she knows us. It's true anyways...." RapMonster mentioned.

They continue to watch the whole thing.

"Don't be humble. You're really famous worldwide! The number of fans you have is huge!" The interviewer said.

"Really? Hahaha." XiuYing laughed.

"Well, I'm worldwide handsome!!" Jin praised himself.

The members roll their eyes, taking no notice of Jin's comment. All of them are astonished to hear XiuYing's singing. They have to admit that her singing is great.

"XiuYing mentioned something like "we can talk about it afterwards" to V. Is there something that we don't know?" Jimin breaks the ice.

"We don't know many things. We can't find much clues." RapMonster feel defeated.

"If a smart person like you can't find anything, how did V know so much?" Jin stated.

"That's really odd. We have 6 people and he is all by himself. Is he a spy or something?" Jhope said jokingly.

"It can't be. How can he be a spy? If he is, who does he work for? What's his benefit for spying on us or others? There's no link." Jimin take a sip of water.

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