Chapter 21

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XiuYing's pov

We wait for the traffic light to turn green. Many people are around us, waiting too. V reach out his hand to me.

"Hold my hand. I don't wish to lose you in the crowd." He said.


"Hold my hand, so that we won't lose each other." Jimin offered his hand.

-end of flashback-

"What's wrong? You're spaced out." V wave his hand in front of my face.

"Ah, nothing." I accept his offer.

Cars stop, the green light flashes. People start to cross the long stretch of road, carelessly bumping into one another. V lead the way, pulling me along. This feeling is familiar. It's exactly the same when Jimin did that to me. I feel safe and comfortable. When we're on the other side, he let go. Soon, many fans crowd around us, taking pictures.

"V oppa!"
"XiuYing is the best! So pretty!!"
"Ahhh! Are both of you dating?"
"Oh my gosh! They look good together!!!!"

Both of us have a hard time keeping the noise down. V's cheeks are a little red now.

"No no... hahaha! We're just friends, hanging out." I cleared their doubts.

The moment I said that, V's expression sink.

"Yeah......" He agreed.

"We got to go. I'm sorry about that. Hope you guys have a nice day!" I smile.

"Enjoy your day!" V followed.

The fans disperse quickly, wishing us good luck. We laughed and enter the shopping mall.

"Ah! I almost forgot!"

I look at him with a questionable face.

"Jimin hyung's birthday is coming soon! I forgot to buy him a present." He smacks his head.

"It's 13 October, right?" I said.

"Yup. We're having a party over at our house. Do you want to come?" He asked.

"Uh.... I don't know about that. I don't think it's a good idea." I replied.

"Please? Will you come for my sake? You can bring Jackson and Luhan over too. Wanna One might be going. Please...." V shows his puppy eyes.

I can't reject when he shows his aegyo.

"Okay... I'll have to check my schedule." I said hesitantly.

"Yes! It's starting at 6pm. Tell me soon!" He jumps for joy.

I nod and we shop for Jimin's present.

-at home-

"Tae oppa invited us to Jimin's party. You guys wanna go?" I asked Luhan and Jackson, who are busy chewing on their pizzas.

"If you're going, we'll go." Luhan said.

I sigh and dialled my manager's number. I asked about my schedule on 13 October. He said that I have a photoshoot straight after school but I'm free at night.

"We'll go." I told them.

"Yes! My Namjoonie!!" Jackson partied.

V's pov

Knowing that the members haven't have dinner yet, I bought pizza and pasta for them. Since I still care for them.

"P-I-Z-Z-A Pizza and P-A-S-T-A Pasta! Wow! It's so delicious!!" Jin's exclaimation caused the maknae line to laugh.

I receive a text from XiuYing saying that the three of them will come to the party. I literally go crazy, which grabs everyone's attention.

"Any good news to share?" RapMonster muttered.

"Hyung, do you mind if I invite Wanna One, XiuYing, Jackson and Luhan to your party?" I need Jimin's consent.

He seems hesitant at first but agreed. I don't care if he agrees or not, cause I'm still going to bring her here no matter what. I eat the pizza happily, knowing that my crush will be here. But, Luhan will be coming too.

"I heard that you went out with XiuYing just now." Jin mumbled.

"Yeah. Just hanging out." I replied simply.

-next day in school-

JiYeon's pov

I arrive at school pretty early today, waiting for XiuYing. Soon, she arrives with the two guys. Just as what I've planned, she head to the lockers first while the guys head to class. I smirked and follow behind her. There aren't many students here yet, because it's still early. As XiuYing is about to open her locker, I slam it shut. It startles her.

"What- You?!" XiuYing got surprised.

"Yeah, me. Got a problem with that?" I drag her to the rooftop, not letting her say another word.

She struggles to release herself, but I grab her hand tightly. I let go when we're at the rooftop. She glares at me with hatred in her eyes.

"What do you want?!" She grumbled in annoyance.

I look at her from head to toe, taking a step closer. She steps back in response.

"Say something!"

I stop my tracks and fold my arms.

"'ve changed huh?" I smirk.

"What do you mean?" She said.

"You know what I mean." I rolled my eyes.

"Tch, you're still the same, bullying me." She mocked.

"Did I even bully you? I was just treating you like how a sister would." I said.

"Wow! What a nice sister! I'm proud!" She laughed sarcastically.

"You wish, bitch. Why are you back here?! You could have just died in an accident or something. Why are you here?!" I shouted.

"I'm here to prove my innocence, of course!" She fight back.

"Innocence? Oh right, you're innocent. How is it to lose the people who trusted you? Tsk, you don't even know your limits. You have to get off my lane and get lost. It's that simple, girl." I demanded.

"I'm afraid that I can't do so. I have to let everyone know your true image. You're the one who bullied me. You're the cause of my misery. I have to make sure that everyone sees your real motive." She glare at me.

She smirks and walk past me.

"Woah woah, not so fast, young lady. You can't just leave like that. You have to pay the price." I grab onto her arm.

I force her to face me by yanking her hair.

"Ah! Ouch ouch!! Let go of me!!!" She screamed.

I enjoy seeing her suffer. I need her to be out of my sight so that I can get everything that belongs to her. It's mine.

"This is what you get for not behaving." I grab her hair tighter and she wince in pain.

All of a sudden, she twists my hand, releasing my grip from her hair. She place both of my hands against my back forcefully.

"Yah! It hurts!!" I hollered.

"Stop disturbing me." She whispered into my ear and let go.

She glare at me one last time before leaving the place. I glower at her, thinking of a backup plan.

XiuYing's pov

"Are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you record it?" I fix my hair nicely.

credits to owner for the video🕊🐧

thank you for the 300 views!!! ^^

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