Chapter 18

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Jungkook's pov

"Hyung, was my acting good?" I asked.

"Definitely. Come, let's follow him." Jhope get up.

Jhope drives his car and follow V, hoping that V wouldn't find out. After a few turns around the corner, we arrive at a place filled with tall trees. It's creepy here, with only one road.

"Why is V coming to such a place?" I spoke my mind.

"Something is going on with him. We have to find out." Jhope follow carefully.

Suddenly, 2 cars from behind speed up, cutting in between V's car and Jhope's car. We couldn't see V's car at all. Since there is only one road, we just follow the road. However, at the end of the road is the main road. We lost him.

"Shit! We lost V!" Jhope parks the car on the road side.

"We might have another chance next time." I said.

V's pov

-flashback to a while ago-

As I'm driving, I look at the rear mirror.

"Jhope hyung's car..." I smirked.

I press a button in front of me. This button summons two cars to cut in between us. I knew this day would come sooner or later, therefore I'm prepared. I managed to hide away from Jhope and drive on another road to my base.

-end of flashback-

"Hold on. I need you to do something for me." I told the man before opening the file that he gave me.

"Yes sir?" He waits for my orders.

"I want you to install this tracking device in all of my members' cars and JiYeon's car." I hand him a box.

"Yes, sir." He bows and leave the room.

I hold up the file from the desk, wondering what's the new information about y/n. Just then, a photo drop onto the marble floor. I pick up the photo and flip it over. It's a picture of a girl with deep magenta hair, brown eyes and pink lips.

"Hmm, where have I seen this before? She looks a bit familiar." I try to recall.

"It's on the television! But...why is this person in the file?" I suspect if this is the wrong file.

I put the photo aside and open the file.

"y/n aka XiuYing is now a well-known artist and super model in BeiJing, China. Her artworks are showcased in her personal art gallery in BeiJing. She works with a famous modelling agency and goes for photoshoots for many magazines like Vogue, Glamour, Bazaar and InStyle, etc. Check out her pictures and artworks in the next few pages." I read it carefully.

Not believing what I'm reading, I flip through the next few pages. I grab the photo that's on the side and compare it with the pictures in the file. It matches, totally. Shocked, I drop the things on the table. The papers are scattered around and the photo falls onto the floor. I need time to reorganize my thoughts.

"So...y/n is not y/n. Her name is Xiu what? Wow... she is even famous! What has she been doing?" Questions pop up in my mind continuously.

Turning on my computer, I search for XiuYing. It's true. She is a famous person, with so many followers on twitter and other social media platforms. I use my personal accounts to follow her as a fan, so that I'll know what she is doing. It's difficult to find her since she changed her phone number and stuff. I decided to keep it from the others for the time being.

-a month passed-

I've been stalking her as a fan for a month, cheering her on everytime. Now is lunch break. All of us eat and chat happily. A few seconds later, I receive a notification. XiuYing (y/n), posted something new. Immediately, I press on it to see.

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