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"Happy Birthday Dawon!" My family shouted, waking me up from my peaceful sleep, as they walked through my bedroom door, with presents, cards and a large chocolate cake in hands.

I couldn't take my eyes off of the cake, it looked amazing. I couldn't wait to eat it.

My thoughts on food was cut off when my little sister, Jihye and little brother Taegi both ran up to me and hugged me tightly, while screaming happy birthday into my ears. I hugged them back with a little squeeze and thanked them for wishing me a happy birthday.

I opened my presents, my cards from relatives and had a slice of my cake, which was delicious. Afterwards, my mum made my siblings go and get ready for school, while leaving me alone in my bedroom to get ready as well.

"Don't forget," my mum said quickly as she was leaving the room, "You get to know who your soul mate is today."

She winked as she closed my bedroom door and I instantly went to tug the sleeve of my pyjamas up. My fingers lingered above the hem of my top and I suddenly became very nervous.

This person, who's name is now written on my wrist is the perfect person for me. The person I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with. Like how my parents did, and their parents.

Honestly I didn't want to know. What if I haven't even met the person yet, and have to wait an annoyingly long time until I meet them, or they turn out to be a horrible person that I already know and don't want to be with.

I decided that I might as well wait until I'm really for school before I look at my wrist. I put on my school uniform, brush out my hair and put on a bit of makeup. The usual mascara and concealer, nothing extravagant.

I bet my friends will be all over me today, asking questions about my soul mate and what not. I really don't want the fuss, but I am the oldest in the group. All of the others are day dreaming about who their soul mates will be, while mine is now written down on my wrist, permanently.

Finally satisfied with how I looked, I yanked my uniform sleeve back and glanced at my wrist.

I stopped.

The world around me stopped.

I stared in disbelief at the name. I couldn't believe it. There must be a mistake. There's no way that the person who's name is written down is my soul mate. There's no way.

I looked down at it again hoping my eyes had deceived me, but the name Park Jimin still lay there in curved writing.

I felt like crying, out of all the people it could have been, it had to be him.

He was the most popular guy in school, him along with his six other friends. He was flawless - attractive, social, charming, sporty and smart. He wasn't ment to be with me. I'm plain, simple looking and nerdy. Honestly I don't think he knows I exist, even though we've been in the same class for three years.

And to top it all off he has a girlfriend. Those two are the school's power couple. I don't want to be the reason they break up. I don't want Jimin to be made fun of for having me as a soul mate. He deserves to be with his girlfriend forever. They are perfect for one another, not him and me.

All I was expecting was one of the generic guys of my year or a person I haven't even met. Not the most popular guy in school.

Yeah, I should be happy, anyone would be if they were in my shoes. It's true that I have a crush on him. Practically all of the girls in school have a crush on him.

But why me? Of all the people who could've been his soul mate. Why did it have to be me?

How would I tell him? What would he say? The amount of questions that went through my mind at that moment was unreal.

I headed out to school, without telling anyone I was leaving, I was too confused to speak to anyone.

After a lot of thinking, that took me my entire walk to school, I decided to tell everyone who asked who my soul mate was that I hadn't met him yet. And I'll call him Jung Yoonmin. Believable? Maybe. I'll just have to wait and see my friends reaction to it.

I walked into school. Like I did every day I blended straight into the crowd of students. I'm somewhat thankful for this gift of mine. I could spend my days without being stopped in the corridor by anyone I didn't want to talk to.

I walked into my classroom and as per usual I walked straight towards my friends in the back of the room.

"Happy Birthday Dawon!" They all cheered. I smiled back happily at them all.

"So," My best friend Iseul started, "Did you find out who your soul mate is?"

"Yeah I did," I hesitated before saying, "But I don't know him yet. He's called Jung Yoonmin though."

I saw all my friend's shoulders drop when I said I didn't know him. Good, they believed my lie. At least I can relax now.

I sat down in my seat and my friends gave me a few little gifts.

I watched as my soul mate loudly walked through the door with his girlfriend clinging to his side, while his equally as loud friends Jungkook and Taehyung trailed in behind him.

My stomach churned thinking of his reaction when he finds out I'm his soul mate when he turns eighteen. I moved my gaze from him to my desk. A few moments later a piece of paper landed on my desk. It said:

I knew you were lying. It's Jimin isn't it? Your soul mate? - I x

I scrunched up the paper before anyone could read it, turned towards Iseul and nodded sadly.


A/N: Hope you liked the first chapter!!

I don't know how this story will go, but I have a few ideas.

This was my face after I finished this chapter. Like, now what?

I hope someone notice the Yoonmin reference, couldn't not have one sorry

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I hope someone notice the Yoonmin reference, couldn't not have one sorry. I ship Yoonmin so bad!

Byeee ~ Cerys >•<

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