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After I got home, only just recovered from Hoseok's stage name, I was welcomed with a letter. I never got mail usually, so I got strangely excited. It had my name written on the envelope in curvy, gold writing, a bit extra to be honest. Inside the letter it said:

Dear Dawon, 

You are invited to yours truly, Jeon Seulgi's, birthday party! It will be held at 7 o'clock at my house on the 31st of August. That's right the day before my twin and I's birthday. We'll be celebrating all night! Be sure to make it. 


Seulgi xox

Of course it was from Seulgi. That explains why the envelope was so extra. She was a social girl, who loved parties and being the centre of attention. She had probably invited the whole year, knowing her. Her twin probably didn't need to bother inviting anyone because she'd already invited everyone he knew out of excitement. 

I texted Iseul, just to make sure she had got an invite as well. She had and we both decided that we wanted to go. Not because we were friends with Seulgi or anything. We wanted to go because we haven't been to a party in a long time, it was about time we had a night out. 

I lay down in my bed and checked the date on my phone, the 24th. So there was a week until this party. The next day was Saturday, so I texted the group to go shopping for dresses for the party. They all agreed. 


I met my group of friends by the entrance of the shopping centre. I wasn't very good at picking out clothes, that's why I invited everyone.

Hana was the most fashionable in our group, so we all depended on her on days like this to help us pick out outfits.

We all walked to clothes store and let Hana do her magic. She went whizzing around the shop, picking up dresses, jumpsuits and playsuits. Once she'd finished, she ushered us all to the changing rooms to try them on.

All my other friends were around the same height and dress size, which was lucky. But me? Yes, I was a similar dress size, but Hana had to pick up special petite size clothes for me. Sometimes, I really hated being short.

After all four of us had picked out a dress (with a little help from Hana), we went to look for shoes. My friends wouldn't even let me look at flats, I had to wear heels, I had no choice in the matter. Genuinely, I think we spent more time looking at shoes than dresses, which knowing my friends, isn't that surprising. 

In the end I left the shop with a red coloured mini dress that was tight around my hips and a pair of black high heels. The dress showed off most of my legs. My friends reasons for that is 'it gives off the illusion that you're taller'.

I spotted Jimin while we were shopping. He was there in another clothes shop, with Seulgi attached to his arms. They looked very happy together. It made me feel sick to my stomach seeing them together. It should be me by his side, I know that's sounds selfish and I shouldn't think that way, but I couldn't help it.

Iseul, on the other hand, has been glued to her phone all day. Sometimes blushing or giggling at it. I asked her who she was texting but all she told said was "Someone special".


Iseul ❤:

Hana, Taewoo and I will come to your house at 4 to get ready!! Xx

Read: 12:34p.m.

Dawon 💜:

Ok, see you then xx

Sent: 12:35p.m.

I had a few hours until I had to get ready for Seulgi's party, so I decided I would go to the dance studio for a while. I wanted to see Minjoon honestly. I hadn't asked him if he was going to this party, so I guess this was the best time to ask.

I walked to the studio, with EXO's Monster blaring through my earphones. I quietly hummed along to the music, completely blocking out the world around me until the studio came to sight. I stepped into the building and saw Minjoon. Smiling as I approached him, I hadn't even noticed the seven boys standing beside him until one of them threw me up in the air.

"Dawon!" The energetic voice of Jung Hoseok rung in my ear as soon as I landed in his arms. My heart was beating rapidly from shock. I clutched my chest out of instinct.

"Hobi. Why. Would. You. Do. That. To. Me?" I said between deep breaths. I looked at him in absolute terror, to which he reacted with a joyful laugh.

"You look so cute when you're scared, Dawon-ah," He stated with his heart shaped smile on full display. I swore I saw Jimin twitch in annoyance when Hobi called me cute but it was only my imagination.

Only then did I notice that all eyes were on me and Hobi. I didn't recognise most of the faces in front of me. Jimin stood in the middle, with his loud friends who are also in my class, Jungkook and Taehyung, next to him.

The said two brunettes were looking at me strangely, causing me to realise which position I was in. Hobi was holding me bridal style. Suddenly flustered, I urged him to put me down.

Now on my feet, my eyes fell on the three other figures I didn't know. The tallest had a copper like hair, he smiled at me sweetly, showing off his dimples. The next was very handsome and his black hair suited him very well. Finally, the shortest (out of the three) had faded blue hair and an adorable gummy smile. I would have been surprised at his hair colour, but Hobi's hair was currently a subtle red with auburn highlights.

Then Hobi started talking again, pointing at each person before saying their names.

"Namjoon," He said while pointing at the boy with dimples.

"Jin," He continued with a finger directed at the handsome one. We smiled at me and gave me a flying kiss.

"Suga," He said next, pointing at gummy smile boy.

"Taehyung," The said boy introduced himself before Hobi even had a chance, flashing me his box shaped smile.

"And then there's Jimin," Taehyung took over the introductions, pointing at my soul mate, "And Jungkook," He finished, pointing at the last boy who was covered in muscle.

Minjoon then stepped in and threw his arm around my shoulders.

"So, are you going to Jungkook's party tonight?" He asked curiously.

"That's what I was going to ask you!" I laughed, "But yeah, I am."

"Good! I thought I was going to be left alone," Minjoon said in relief.

We all continued talking together as a group. I tried avoiding eye contact with Jimin the entire time, because knowing me, if I started looking at him, i wouldn't be able to take my eyes off of him.

"Oh wow," Jin piped up, "It's almost four! How long have we been talking for?!"

I froze. Quickly I checked my phone to be sure and it was indeed almost four o'clock. Panic filled me as I remembered that my friends were all coming over to my house to get ready for the party at four. I suddenly sprinted out of the studio, startling the males around me. They all looked at me in utter confusion.

"Sorry!" I shouted, "I have to meet my friends at four. I'll see you all at the party tonight. Bye!"

I waved and they all waved in return. I got back to my house, drenched in sweat from running the whole way back, but luckily none of the girls had arrived yet. I flopped on my bed in exhaustion, breathing heavily. I literally on my bed for about twenty seconds, before Iseul, Hana and Taewoo barged into my room, clothes and makeup bags in hand. They dragged me out of bed and we started getting ready for the party.


A/N: Next chapter is party time!! Hope you liked this update xxx

~ Cerys >•<

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