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"Welcome! Hope you all have fun tonight!" Seulgi said enthusiastically to us all as we walked into her house. She had really gone all out for this party. People were everywhere. Drinks were everywhere. And music could be heard everywhere.

After being forced into a dress, having my hair and makeup done, we had finally arrived at Seulgi and Jungkook's party. Honestly, I never really wore makeup, but like the dress and the shoes, my friends said that it was a must on a night out, and that I looked very pretty with makeup on. Even though I disagreed.

We all made our way to the drinks table, which was a huge table covered in every type of alcohol, fizzy drinks and a few bottles of water.

I picked up a can of coke because I'm not really an alcohol type of person, but all my friends picked up a can of cider each. I'm the oldest of all of them, but they just act a lot older than I do.

Before I know it I'm left by myself. Iseul was dragged off by some boys to dance, Hana and Taewoo were both with some girls they were friends with and I was standing there awkwardly next to the drinks table.

"Dawon!" I heard my name being shouted from the other side of the room. I looked around cluelessly, not spotting who was shouting.

"Dawon!" I heard it again.

"Dawon!" And again.

Suddenly I'm lifted off the ground and spun around. I noticed the all too familiar action as something Minjoon would do. Once I was on the ground again, my assumption was proved correct. Minjoon was standing in front of me with his signature playful smile plastered to his lips.

"You look great Wonie," He started, his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets, "Let me guess, the dress and shoes was Hana's idea, the makeup was the work of Iseul and the hair was done by Taewoo?"

I nodded with a shy smile, "Bingo."

"Gosh, I am good," Minjoon praised himself, making me laugh. After a few seconds of laughing, he spoke again, "But even though you look like a queen, I've never seen you as uncomfortable in your life!"

"Yeah, I'm not that used to dressing like this," I laughed awkwardly.

"Obviously!" Minjoon exclaimed, "I've only ever seen you wear this little fabric when you're dancing."

"That's different Joonie," I sighed, He only giggled and smiled a little wider.

"C'mon, let's go dance," He glanced down at my drink, a very unsatisfied look flashing across his face, "And get you something stronger to drink."

He picked a can of cider and against all my protests, made me drink it. The alcohol burned my throat but it wasn't too bad.

I was there sipping my alcohol slowly but the sight in front of me was completely different. Minjoon was chugging every kind of alcoholic drink in a matter of seconds. I think I stood there just watching him in disbelief for ten minutes. 

After about an hour of dancing with my best friend, I was left alone again. Hobi had turned up out of the blue and had dragged Minjoon away to God knows where. Once again I start looking around, like a lost puppy, trying to find someone I knew. Failing to do so I decided to start walking around, looking for somewhere quiet to sit.

Luckily that didn't take me too long. I had made my way upstairs and was sitting in an empty room, enjoying the peace. The room looked like it belonged to Seulgi. The walls were pastel pink, as were her bedsheets. The furniture was all white and there were Polaroid pictures of her and her friends all over the place.

A majority of those pictures had Jimin in them. I looked at them sadly. He looked so happy in all of them, so in love with the girl next to him. I wondered if he would ever be this happy when we get together. Sighing deeply, I sat back down on Seulgi's bed, suddenly feeling the urge to chug the rest of my cider.

I wasn't much of a party girl, so I just decided to wait where I was until the party ended. Taking out my phone I checked the time. It was nearly midnight. Time seemed to pass so quickly tonight, it was terrifying.

The music downstairs stopped suddenly. I could hear the groans of a few people who were clearly enjoying the music. Hearing some inaudible voices speaking, I edged clear to the door to know what they were saying.

"Alright guys!" I recognised the female voice as Seulgi, "It's almost Jungkook and I's birthday. Let's count down! Ten!"

The crowd of people continued this chant.






Five seconds and Seulgi would find out that the boy everyone thought was going to be her soulmate, wasn't in fact her soulmate.





"Happy birthday Seulgi and Jungkook!" The crowd cheered finally.

Panic surged inside of me when I heard footsteps running up the stairs. The voices they belonged too sounded too similar to Jimin and Seulgi. From what I could hear, Seulgi said, "I want us both to find out at the same time."

The footsteps came closer to the room I was in. Anxiously, I searched the room for somewhere to hide. I saw the owner of that room's walk in wardrobe, and ran straight for it. Just as I close myself in, the sound of the door opening echoed around the room.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so nervous Jiminie," I could hear Seulgi giggle.

"Don't be, babe," Jimin said soothingly. The nickname he gave her made my heart clench.

I heard the squeak of bedsprings, clearly telling me they were now sitting on the bed.

"C'mon babe, look at your wrist already. I'm dying to know," He said again. You don't want to know repeated in my head over and over, until the sound of the female's gasp, followed by utter silence filled the room.


Oohhhhhh cliffhanger!!

Who do you think her soul mate is???

Hope you guys enjoyed xx


Cerys >•<

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