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My body went into panic. No, no, no. I couldn't let him recognise me. Not now. He thought I was in Australia for crying out loud! He couldn't find out I lied to him here. Somewhere like this. When he's in the state he was in.

I thought quickly, trying to come up with a way to get away, "How about I get us a drink?" A suggested as I spoke in his ear, while his head was still placing kisses on my shoulder.

"You go do that babe," He panted as he came up from the crook of my neck. I started to walk away.

I thought I was safe for about two minutes before I felt his presence behind me again.

His hand placed itself on my butt cheek and he gave it a firm squeeze. His breath appeared next to my ear again, "Actually I have a better idea," His other hand landed on my waist and he started leading me away from the drinks table, "I bumped into the host once you left and he told me some very interesting information."

"Oh yeah?" I whispered to him as I saw us head towards the staircase. My mind knew what was about to happen and was desperate to try and get me to stop it from happening. But his voice was so inviting and it had me unable to think properly.

"He said that on the top floor, there is an empty room, if I wanted. And it just so happens," I heard a jangle of a key on a keychain, "That I have the key to that room. So what do you say?"

I sighed in content as he started kissing my neck once he finished speaking and let out a small hum in agreement.

"I need words, beautiful," He growled and he spun me around, "Would you like to go to that room?"

"Y-yes please," I said blushing. As soon as those words left my mouth, His hands went to the back of my thighs and he hoisted me off of the ground.

His lips captured mine as we started ascending the stairs.

His hands had slipped under my dress and were groping my butt as we reached the first floor.

His lips then went to my collarbone and started sucking harshly on the skin by the time was reached the second floor.

His fingers zipped down and pulled off my dress as we stopped outside a door on the top floor.

Discarding my dress outside, he unlocked the door and carried me inside. My hands went to his shirt and started unbuttoning it, while his hands caressed my thighs.

His lips returned to mine and suddenly all clothing was on the floor and we slept together for the second time.

And I woke up naked next to him a second time.

And I tried escaping before he woke up a second time.


The click of the door to the room unlocking woke him up. He jerked up at the sound, and stared at where it came from. His eyes trailed from the door knob, up my arm and to my face.


Shit. He recognised me. I hastily opened the door and rushed out.

"Wait! Dawon!" I heard his voice behind me, followed by a thud as I assumed he fell from the bed. Not long after I heard footsteps following me down the stairs.

I pushed my legs faster, even if they ached from last night's events. He couldn't find out now. I know he'll be pissed if he found out.

"Min Dawon, it is you right?!" He shouted from further up the stairs. I had finally made it to the group floor, stepping carefully over passed out bodies from the previous night and I ran out of the door.

I kept running until I reached my school. I only looked back once, just as Jimin appeared in the doorway of Yoongi's home, watching me as I ran away.

Jimin's POV

"Last night was crazy man," Namjoon said to Yoongi as they walked into the kitchen that morning, after waking up and kicking out all the drunkards that were still hanging around the house.

"Oh I know. That's got to be the best and biggest party I've hosted in a while," Yoongi sighed as he slumped into one of the chairs in the room, "I think I used about two weeks worth of my social battery last night. So now I'm going to sleep and ignore the outside world until I feel up for socialising again."

"That sounds like a plan," Namjoon laughed, sitting as well, "So how was your night Chim? I saw you carrying a pretty hot chick upstairs last night."

He raised his eyebrows suggestively at me as I groaned loudly, "Yeah, I did sleep with someone," I paused, "But I'm not sure who it was. I can't remember much of last night. I can't remember if she told me her name or anything. But this morning... she tried to leave before I woke up. But I woke up anyway. And I swear... I swear it was this one girl. But she's supposed to be in Australia for around another week. So I really don't know."


"Sucks to be you bro."

"Oh wow guys, you're such big help. Did you guys not see her or..?" I groaned.

"Yeah I saw her, she was hot. That's about it," Namjoon shrugged, walking over to make himself a cup of coffee, "But there was something familiar about her, I must admit. I guess I've seen her at a few parties or something."

I held my head in my hands, trying to remember what happened the night before, but failing.

"Why do you even care who you slept with? You've slept with so many different girls in the past, so what's so special about this one?" Yoongi asked, looking over at me with intrigue.

"I don't know honestly," I muttered, "I felt something more than lust, if you get what I mean. Almost like I knew her but didn't at the same time."

Yoongi hummed at my answer, "Interesting. Very interesting."

Dawon's POV

"Shit, Hobi I've done a bad thing," I yelled as I barged into his room.

He jumped awake because of my loud entrance and because of my body falling onto his as soon as I reached his bed.

"What did you do?" He asked concerned.

"I may or may not have had sex with Jimin last night," I mumbled into his bed sheets, "And he may or may not have seen me this morning when I tried to leave."

"Wonie..." He started, disappointment lased in his voice.

"I hate myself."

"So he's certain he slept with you last night even though he thought you were abroad?" He questioned and I lifted my head to look at him.

"That's the thing. I don't know."


A/N: ello ello ello!

So they slept together again, how fun!


Cerys ;))

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