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"Dawon!" Iseul yelled down the phone, "Where are you?! I couldn't find you last night and your mum said you never came home-"

"Iseul, please calm down," I whispered back, trying to pick up my discarded clothes from the floor with as little noise as possible.

"Wait why are you whispering?" She questioned but then I heard her gasp, "You slept with someone!"

"No! I mean, maybe but that's not important. Why do you want me?" J sighed.

"I'll explain later. You're not the only one who had an eventful night. Meet me at Kim's café asap," She replied quickly before hanging up on me. 

I put my phone away and tried to get my clothes on before the sleeping boy woke up. Unfortunately for me, I wasn't the most stable person on my feet at that moment, so I tripped while trying to get my dress back on.

I did manage to balance myself, but that was after I had completely fallen onto the boy I was trying not to wake up.

Jimin looked up at me with tired eyes as I tried to get myself off of him.

"Um," I chuckled nervously as I finally hurled myself off the boy.

"If you wanted a second round, you could have just asked, Dawon," He smirked.

"N-no, that's not what I wanted," I stuttered, I straightened up, "In fact I was just about to leave."

I turned around to exit the bedroom, only to be stopped my Jimin as he grabbed my wrist.

"Hey, if you ever want to do that again, just give me a call," He said,  letting go of my wrist.

I practically sprinted out of the house once I let the room, trying to get myself to Kim's café as quickly as I could. I gave up trying to run in my heels about halfway, so I got a very weird look from Iseul as I ran into the café without shoes on.

I collapsed into the seat of mine and Iseul's regular booth and already in front of me was my usual drink, a white chocolate milkshake. Breathing heavily, I took massive gulps of my drink before raising my head to look at my best friend.

"What's the important thing you wanted to talk to me about?" I questioned, taking another sip of my milkshake.

"Well, something happened last night-," She started.

"I gathered that," I cut in with a laugh.

"I found my soul mate," Iseul said quickly, suddenly looking down and sipping her Caramel Macchiato embarrassingly.

"What?! No way!" I squealed, gathering the attention of other customers in the café. Quieter I said, "Who's the lucky person?"

"Um, well, the, you know, Seulgi's brother," She answer, barely above a whisper.

"Jungkook?!" I whisper yelled. In reply, she only nodded, "I'm so happy for you!"

"There's only one problem though, Wonie. I like someone else," She cried.

"Wait, why don't I know about this person!" I exclaimed, offended that my best friend hadn't told me about one of her crushes.

"You know, back when we went shopping for dresses?" She asked.


"Well, remember I was texting someone and I said it was 'someone special'?" I nodded, "Well that's who."

"Oh," I said simply, "Do you know who he is?"

"Yeah, he said he's called Justin," Iseul explained.

It Must be a Mistake [Park Jimin] ✔Where stories live. Discover now