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Jimin's POV

"What?" I asked impatiently but also curiously. I wanted to know who her soul mate was; almost everyone thought we were destined to be together, I want to see if they're right.

"Well, it's... it's just... not you," Seulgi replied, whispering the last part. I felt my entire world stop. I stopped thinking and even breathing at that exact moment.

Seulgi had her head in her hands, I could clearly tell she was crying - her sobs quiet but the only noice currently filling the room.

"W-who is it?" I stutter.

I didn't want to accept it. For months now Seulgi and I have been practically certain that we were going to be soul mates.

We were perfect for one another. We loved each other. We had a connection that I've never had with anyone else. I couldn't imagine anyone else being my soul mate but her.

The tension in the room was apparent, it was so thick it could be cut with a knife.

"Taehyung," Her small voice whispered again, "It's Taehyung, Jimin. Of all people it had to be him."

She was crying so hard and who could blame her? Taehyung was her childhood best friend. He had confessed his love to her a months ago, claiming he had loved her for years. She rejected him so brutally that he cried for days. He didn't come to school for weeks, terrified to face her again.

But Taehyung was older than both of us. He was supposed to be a school year older but he had to retake his final year with us.

This meant, that when he turned eighteen at the end of last year he knew Seulgi was his soul mate. I was the one keeping them apart. I had made Seulgi believe what we had was better than what she and Taehyung had. I'm such a terrible friend.

I pulled Seulgi into a hug, rubbing her back soothingly.

"It's ok. If he's your soul mate then we weren't meant to be," I started, "I think it's about time you go and see Taehyung. I bet he's been suffering a lot."

She looked up at me, surprised at my words. I give her a convincing smile in return.

"I can't imagine how he feels," She sighed sadly, "I made him suffer for so long. We only recently started talking again because of Jungkook."

"I know, I know but he's such a forgiving guy, Seulgi. We both know that. Go speak to him. He needs you and you need him," I smile down at her again, tears were streaming out of my eyes. She wiped them away slowly.

"So, this is goodbye," She said sadly. We connected lips for the final time before she stood up to find her soul mate.

"Goodbye Seulgi," I whispered as the door closed with a light click.

All of my emotions didn't seem to exist. I couldn't cry anymore. I didn't feel anything anyone. But for the strangest reason I felt quite happy that my ex-girlfriend of three years was now with the man she was destined for.

Dawon's POV

I heard the door shut and complete silence fill the room. I waited a few minutes just to be sure and then opened the walk in wardrobe door to get myself out. I froze in my tracks, Jimin stared at my dumbfoundedly from Seulgi's bed.

I thought he'd left.

My feet were glued to the floor, I couldn't will them to moved, nor could I will myself to speak. Jimin walked over to me slowly. I wanted to die right there, he looked so pissed off.

"How much of that did you hear?" He asked, saying every word slowly and carefully. I hung my head down and played with my fingers. I felt so bad for eavesdropping on their conversation and didn't want to admit it.

"Answer me."

I didn't answer but I felt my body being pushed back against the door I had just come out of.

"God dammit, Dawon, I said answer me!" He shouted, slamming his hands on either side of my face. I was shaking in fear. I wasn't sure if he was angry, or if he was annoying but he sure scared the crap out of me.

"Enough," Was all I could manage, swallowing hard after saying it. I waited for him to reply or even react.

Next thing I knew, I was being dragged out of the room, down the stairs and out of the house. Jimin yanked my wrist harshly and I collided into his chest.

"Do me a favour?" He said into my ear, "Don't stop me."

Before I could properly comprehend what he said he kissed me. It wasn't the first kiss I'd imagined for us to have but it's not the worst way it could have happened.

He pulled away and started walking down the road, dragging me along with him. I was very confused at this point until we reach a house and he dragged me inside. I assumed it was his house and piecing two and two together I had an idea what was going to happen.

Tugging against his grip, I tried to get away. Jimin wasn't in the right mind set right now and I didn't want him to do anything he would regret. When he felt me resisting, he stopped, turned around with lustful eyes and said seductively into my ear,

"What did I ask you not to do?"

"Stop you," I whispered back lightly and slightly afraid. I wasn't opposed to the idea, I just wish he'd do it under different circumstances.

"Good," He breathed out, connecting our lips yet again. I felt him pick me up and carry me to another part of the house, but I was too kiss drunk to take note of where.

The rest of the night was a blur. It went by so quickly and before I knew it I'd woken up naked, next to my also naked soul mate, Park Jimin, in a unfamiliar room of an unfamiliar house. Our clothes scattered across the floor and multiple hickeys scattered across my neck.


Ohhhhhhh so how was that chapter??? Did you all enjoy???

Do you think Jimin will regret what he's done???

Hope you enjoyed! Vote and comment!


Cerys >•<

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