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Once again, I went back to trying to avoid Jimin at school. But once again, as my luck would have it, I couldn't stop bumping into him. It used to be easy, because Jimin would never be with his friends, as he was always off trying to find another girl to sleep with. But now, both Jungkook and Taehyung have forced him to eat lunch with them. This means I had to see him everyday.

Iseul and Jungkook were to lovey-dovey to pay attention to me.

Seulgi and Taehyung are too busy making out instead of eating to pay attention to anyone.

So every lunchtime, it was Minjoon, Jimin and I. To be fair, Minjoom tried to make conversation with both of us but it always ended up with only one of us speaking to him, most of the time it was Jimin.

I had only a few more days in the school before I moved, which was a relief. I'd made sure that no one would tell Jimin because I didn't feel like he deserved to know. We weren't friends so I didn't want him in my business.

I felt bad for having to leave. Iseul actually cried when I told her, not wanting to believe what I had just told her. I had to comfort her for hours after telling her. Jungkook was proud of me and was also jealous that I could live my dream before he could. Seulgi and Taehyung were sad, to my surprise. They said they'd really come to like me and were upset that our friendship was so short lived. But all of them were happy for me at least.

I didn't want this week to end but it seemed that this week went by faster than any other.

"I can't believe this is your last day Wonie," Minjoon cried as we walked to school on Friday morning. He was hugging me really tight as we walked through the school gates, "I'm not letting you go. If I don't let you go it means you can't move school!"

I laughed lightly at his behaviour. I didn't want to leave him behind either, "It's okay Joonie. I promise I'll come to the studio everyday, like I normally do, then you won't get lonely."

"But it won't be the same!" He wailed, hugging me tighter, "I won't be able to walk to school with you anymore. I won't be able to have lunch with you anymore. I won't be able to pass you notes about how boring our history class is anymore. Oh Wonie, life will be so different without you."

Now, that made me tear up a bit, so I embraced him back. We both just stood there for a while crying and hugging until we heard the bell ring from the school building.

"You promise you'll see me everyday?" He asked as we walked into the building. Minjoon had stopped crying but was still sniffling a bit.

"Yes, I promise," I said, holding out my pinkie finger so he could wrap his around mine.

"Okay!" He beamed, interlocking our fingers, "And if it gets passed seven and you haven't arrived, I'll walk to your school myself and kidnap you."

We both laughed loudly at his words before parting ways to our separate classes.

Jimin's POV:

Why did everyone seem so sad at lunch? Most days the two couples would be ignoring everything and everyone else in the world, but today they were talking to all of us like their lives depended on.

Dawon was the only one who didn't seem to be acting different because she always looked this depressed. But sometimes she smiled or laughed at the other guys and that made my heart beat faster. Every. Damn. Time. She did it.

I didn't understand myself. Ever since Jungkook and Seulgi's birthday, I couldn't stop thinking about her. Even after the countless girls I slept with since that night, that time with her is still vivid in my brain.

But what I didn't understand more was everyone's behaviour. Iseul held onto Dawon's hand all lunch, like she didn't want her to go anywhere. I could tell Minjoon was doing the same with her other hand under the table as well.

It happened again at the end of the day. After the bell rang, I made my way through the exit, ready to get home and I saw them all hugging Dawon in there turn. So, as my curiosity got the better of me, I approached them.

"What's going on?" I asked. A few if them jumped at my sudden appearance and I saw Dawon's body stiffen when she heard my voice.

"Well you see," Dawon laughed nervously as she turned around. I realised then that was the first time she'd spoken to me since our date. I still regretted how I acted then but I was relieved that she was speaking to me, "I'm going... on holiday. Yes, I'm going on holiday. For two weeks."

"Oh right! Where are you going?" I asked again. Why didn't she tell me she was going away. That explains why everyone was acting strange, especially Minjoon and Iseul. Two weeks without your best friend is hard, I bet.

"To... Australia," Minjoon answered for her.

"Yeah to Austrailia," She muttered.

"Oh my, well I'm jealous. I really want to go there," I said giving her a hug, "I hope you have a great time. Oh! And show me pictures when you get back."

"Yeah," She laughed again, "I'll do that."

I check my watched and gasped a little. If I didn't leave at that moment I was going to be late for my shift at the music store. Yoongi-hyung would kill me if I was late.

"Oh, I've got to go Dawon-ah. See you when you come back," I exclaimed as I started to jog off.

Dawon's POV:

I sighed with relief as Jimin jogged away.

"Thanks for not telling him," I whisper to Minjoon. He smiled in return.

"I still don't understand why you don't want to tell him," Seulgi said, guilt evident on her face.

"I just don't think right now is the right time to tell him," I explained, "I  know I should and I will tell him soon. But can you guys do me a favour and try and pretend that I'm not in a different school for the next two weeks?"

They all nodded slightly and Iseul answered, "Of course," on everyone's behalf.

"I'll miss you guys," I said finally as we all walked out of the school.

"We'll miss you too," Minjoon said and then everyone gave me one last hug before we parted ways.

Minjoon and I decided to go straight to the dance studio. Once we were out of earshot, he asked, "You said two weeks because in two weeks time it's Jimin's birthday, didn't you?"

I nodded my head slightly and he only smiled, not saying anything else about the matter.


A/N: hiiiiii~~

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Cerys ;))

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