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Saturday. Honestly I had too much on my mind to be nervous. I had my audition in the morning then I had to meet with Jimin for a date in the afternoon. I groaned as I pulled myself out of bed, getting ready for my audition. 

My phone buzzed as I left my house. I opened it and it was from Minjoon. 

GOOD LUCK TODAY WONIE!! I know you'll do great and they'll be stupid not to accept you!! Meet me later to talk all about it, okay?? Love youuuu xxx Joonie xxx

I smiled fondly at the message before typing a quick reply for him. 

I made my way to the bus stop and waited for about five minutes until the bus taking me to the school arrived. As I sat down in the back of the vehicle, the nervousness finally sunk in and my stomach erupted in butterflies. Trying to calm myself down, I decide to listen to some music. I pressed shuffle on my playlist and the first song to play was 'Feel it Still' by Portugal the Man. This song made me feel like I could anything, it was such an upbeat song, it calmed me completely nearly immediately. 

About ten minutes later I saw my stop come into view. I pressed the stop button on the pole next to mess, causing a small 'ding' to sound across the bus. Standing up, I made my way towards the door, nerves reemerging in my stomach. I could see the school as the doors opened and I made my way towards it. When I next walk out of those doors, I'll either be the happiest of the most upset person on Earth. 

I entered the school and went to the secretary's desk. 

"Are you Min Dawon?" The woman asked as she looked up from her papers. I only nodded as a reply. 

"Okay, down that corridor, second door on the left," She pointed to the corridor she was referring to, "Good luck."

I smiled at the woman, "Thank you." 

Walking towards the room I was meant to go to, I felt sick to the stomach. The people in that room were either going to change my life or keep it as it was.

~~Time skip~~

I walked out of the school, thinking back to my performance, all my hard work, all the aching muscles and all the restless nights weren't in vain. I'd been accepted into Seoul's dance school. I was so happy, I was over the moon, and I needed to tell Minjoon all about it.

I checked the time on my phone, it was ten in the morning. Jimin was picking me up at the dance studio at twelve, so I had two hours to get out of my sweaty clothes, speak to Minjoon about my audition and meet Jimin so we could go on our date. 

I got back on the bus and got back home in fifteen minutes. I ran into the house and told my family the great news before running up to my room to get ready. I had a quick shower and, after I dried my body and hair, I wore a striped top, navy skirt, a light blue cardigan and some navy converse high tops.

I left the house and checked the time again, nearly eleven. Perfect. Plenty of time to speak to Minjoon and calm him down before Jimin arrived. I made my way to the dance studio after checking with Minjoon if he was working or not, he was so that meant he'd be at the studio and I didn't have to go to his house. 

I entered my home away from home, the dance studio and was bombarded with questions from my excitable best friend.

"How was it?" He screeched, jumping up and down in anticipation.

"Well my friend, you are now looking at a student of Seoul's prestigious dance academy," I answered, causing him to, literally, jump over his desk and run towards me to give me a hug.

"Oh my lord, I knew you could do it, Wonie!" He squealed, spinning me around in the air, making me laugh happily, "Have you told Hoseok yet, he goes to that school right?"

"Yes I have. He's making sure that I won't be lonely when the term starts," I answer him once he'd put me back on the ground. 

"Oh, that school hasn't actually started yet has it?" He questioned and I nodded to answer him, "So, when does the term start?" 

"October 1st," I answer sadly, realising how little time I have now in my current school.

"No way, that literally means you have one more week at school with me," Minjoon realised as well, pushing his face back in frustration, "What am I going to do without you at school?"

"I don't know, but I promise I'll come here every night without fail. So in a way you shouldn't miss me too much."

"But at lunch! I'm going to be third wheeling two straight couples if you're not there!" He cried, pretending to wipe away tears.

"Just hang out with Hana and Taewoo," I suggest and he only shook his head. 

"I don't like them two as much as I like you and Iseul but Iseul is being all touchy-feely with Jungkook," He exclaimed and I giggled at his childishness. 

It took me until Jimin to arrived to find someone for Minjoon to spend time with once I was gone. As the other boy walked through the door, I whispered to Minjoon, "Don't tell Jimin anything about this."

"Don't tell me anything about what?" He asked. Damn it, I must have said that too loud. 

"Oh, Dawon was just telling me how excited she was for your date," Minjoon lied. I was quite shocked because I hadn't told him about this date I was going on with Jimin. 

"Yeah," I added to the lie, "I didn't want Joonie to tell you but then again he still told you." 

I slapped Minjoon's arm lightly, to pretend I was annoyed with him. 

"Okay," Jimin smiled, quite happy with what he'd just heard, "Are you ready to go." 

I nodded to him and took the hand he offered for me. 

"I like your outfit by the way. It seems like something I'd wear honestly," He giggled and so did I. Then we both walked out of the studio, to go on our date. 

"So, where are we going?" I asked as we walked down the road.

"Just to this café I like. I really want to get to know you better," He answered and I smiled. It sounded like I was going to have a great time.


A/N: Hellooooooo~~~~~


Cerys :))

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