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"Welcome to Seoul Dance School. You must be Min Dawon?" An elderly woman asked me once I'd walked through the doors of the school.

"Yes, I am," I smiled at her, bowing slightly.

"Well, we're happy to have you here Dawon. I'll show you to the room you'll be staying at," She started leading the way, making her way up the stairs, "I've heard from one of our students, Jung Hoseok that you are one of his friends. Is that correct?"

"Yes," I beamed at the mention of Hobi, "He's been my close friend for many years now. He promised to keep me company while I'm here."

The woman grinned at my words, "It's so nice to see new students with friends already within the school. I hate seeing the newbies looking so miserable and lost during their first few days. I'm happy you have someone here for you Dawon and Hoseok is such a lovely boy as well," She smiled brighter, "He's one of my favourite students, but don't tell him that. We don't want him feeling too special, even though his smile does make my day."

I laughed at her comment and nodded my head in agreement, then we stopped outside a door with the number 0518 on it.

"This is your room, I hope you settle in quickly. Hoseok's room number is 0218, if you would like to visit him," She said kindly.

"Thank you, Mrs..." I trailed off, realising that she hadn't introduced herself to me.

"I'm Mrs Chang," She introduced herself, filling in the end of my sentence, "And you're welcome, Dawon."

Then Mrs Chang walked away and I was left to look around my room. Opening my door, I took in the simple room laid out for me.

It was a mainly white room. The walls were white, as was the furniture. The floor was wooden and the bed sheets were red. I had a single bed, a wardrobe, a chest if drawers and a small vanity with a mirror on top of it. All in all, the room had a nice welcoming feel to it, even though I hadn't put my belongings in it yet.

Looking out of the window that I, luckily, had, I admired the view. It was of the bustling street below. So many people walked hastily down the pavement, all minding there own business and probably not knowing that I was watching them from above.

I imagined how the street would be at night, all the street lamb lighting up the place and the slight shadows of people walking past. I couldn't wait to see it in real life. I always felt at peace at night and cities at night are beautiful sights.

Drawing myself from the window, I started unpacking my things. I'd finished in about twenty minutes and the room now had such a homely feeling to it, that I don't think I'd be missing home as much as I thought I would.

Suddenly with nothing to do, I decided to go and see Hobi. I skipped down the hall until I found the number 0218 printed on a door identical to mine.

I knocked continuously for about ten seconds before the door was thrown open by the boy I was looking for.

"Hobi!" I exclaimed and threw myself into his arms. He caught me and spun me around, like he normally does.

"Hey Wonie!" He screamed excitedly, squeezing me tighter, "You're finally here!"

"Yeah I am," I smiled and he finally let me down, "I'm so excited to start here!"

He invited me into his room after I had stopped speaking, so we wouldn't be have a conversation in the corridor.

I sat on his bed happily. His room was nearly identical to mine but he had a lot more posters over his walls and things laying about his room, showing how long he had owned the room.

"You have some classes with me don't you?" Hobi asked as he jumped onto the bed to join me.

I nodded my head, "Yeah I think I have some contemporary lessons with you."

"Oh that's good, Mrs Chang is such a good teacher," He said as he made himself comfortable.

"Oh, she's the one who showed me to my room when I arrived," I exclaimed after hearing the familiar name.

"Oh really?! Did she speak about me? Well, She must of, I think I'm her favourite," He mused and I giggled at his words. He must be psychic.

Jimin's POV.

I didn't know what was wrong with me, but I felt incomplete somehow. It was like there was something missing in my life. I just couldn't put my finger on it though.

"Hey Chim?" I was snapped out of my daze by Jungkook clicking his fingers in front of my face, "I asked you a question, weren't you listening?" 

"Oh sorry," I said while smiling sleepishly at him, "I was thinking about something. But what did you say?"

"I said, what are you planning on doing for your birthday?" He asked again. All the others who were sitting with us at the table were looking at me in anticipation as well. 

"I haven't really thought about it much honestly. I'll probably have a party at my house, like I usually do," I shrugged. I haven't thought about my birthday at all because I'm still trying to figure out why I'm feeling weird. Nothing seems to be making sense. 

"Well, who do you think you'll be inviting? You are turning eighteen after all," Seulgi asked this time. 

"Everyone I guess. Basically everyone who came to yours and Kook's party," I shrugged again. 

"Great," Seulgi said, "I'll plan." 

"Thanks," I replied and she smiled at me. 

After a moment of silence everyone went back to doing there own thing. Taehyung had his arm placed over Seulgi's shoulders as they spoked and laughed about random things. Jungkook had pulled Iseul into his lap as they shared headphones, listening to music, probably something Jungkook had recorded with Namjoon. This left only me by myself because Minjoon had to meet up with someone. 

Watching the couples around me made me feel so lonely. About two months ago I was like that, but even now, seeing my ex with someone else, I have never felt upset or jealous of Taehyung and Seulgi's relationship. But now I really wanted someone to shower in love and affection.

I felt quite thankful for the fact that in less than two weeks I'll know which person I could do that to. 


A/N: hiiiiii~~~

The big reveal to Jimin with happen soon. Can't wait!! 


Cerys xx :))

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