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I woke up in the middle of the night with the arms of my soulmate wrapped around my torso. I sighed in content as I snuggled against his chest.

His scent enveloped me and a smile subconsciously appeared on my lips.

I waited like that, just lying there enjoying the sense of satisfaction that this position brought to me.

That was until I needed to pee.

Because I hadn't needed to move around since I woke up, I hadn't realised how tightly Jimin held on to me. One of his arms were draped across my shoulders while the other held my waist firmly.

I tried wriggling around to try and loosen his grip. Once I managed to do that, I lifted my body up and swung my legs over the edge of the bed. As I did this, Jimin's hand gripped my wrist to keep me from moving once more.

I turned to look at him, only to see his eyes, barely open, looking back at me.

"Don't leave me again," He mumbled and lifted his other hand to rub his tired eyes, "You have an annoying habit of leaving me after we have sex."

"I'm not going anywhere, Chim," I reassured him, "I just need to pee."

He giggled a bit before letting go of my hand, "Sorry."

Finally free, I went to the bathroom to do my business.

A couple of minutes later I return. Jimin was now sat up in my bed, looking towards my window. The blinds weren't drawn, making the night sky visible from inside. Little beams of moonlight had made it's way into the room. A few of the beams came into contact with Jimin's bare skin, making him look ethereal. I just stood there, leaning on my bathroom's door frame admiring him, until he realised I was there.

"Are you finished staring?" He asked, without turning his head to look at me, "You might as well take a picture, it'll last longer."

I laughed at his words, "It's not my fault you look beautiful right now."

This made him turn towards me, "You think I'm beautiful?" I only nod, causing him to mutter the words, "That doesn't sound manly."

I giggled at his childish words, "Anyone can be beautiful Jimin, no matter their gender. It's when the word 'handsome' doesn't fully explain how you look," I sat down next to him on the bed and rest my head on his shoulder, "I think it suits you perfectly."

I felt his arm snake around my waist so he could pull me closer to him, "You're beautiful as well."

I turn to him and place a small peck on his lips, "I love you."

"I love you too."

We sat there in silence for a while just watching the stars twinkling outside my window. I couldn't remember which one do us fell asleep first but next thing I knew my alarm clock was blaring in my ears.

Jimin's tired groan filled my ears next, followed by the whisper in my ear, "Does that mean you have classes today?"

I turn my body around so I'm facing him, "Unfortunately yes it does. But they finish at ten and then I'm free for the rest of the day," I pause for a moment to think, "Why don't you have a nap for a bit, then go home to get a change of clothes then we can go somewhere."

"That sounds good," He said, hugging my body for a bit before letting me go, so I could get ready.

"I'll see you in a bit."


After two hours of hard practise I came back to my room to find Jimin still there. But he looked fresh and clean and had a new outfit on. Also a strong smell of his cologne covered the room, making me wonder how long he'd been here.

"I thought I'd come and help you pick something to wear," He smiled, in which I returned with an equally as large smile. I didn't deserve him.


Both of us sat at the same table as last time. In the same little café as last time. With the same food order as last time. Apparently Jimin's friend Seokjin, could remember what most customers ordered when they came to his place.

Happily I ate my food, one hand holding the fork with a piece of cake on the end, other intertwined with Jimin's.

"I hope this date doesn't end up like the last one," I mused as I placed my fork down. He laughed and grabbed my now free hand with his other hand.

"A lot has happened since then, hasn't it?" He laughed, "I wonder if you ever properly forgave me for the way I acted that day."

"I still think about it, I guess. I suppose I've forgiven you but it still makes me worry that you'll act like that again."

"Oh no, I'd never do that again, I promise. I kind of hate myself for acting that way, you must of though so lowly of me because of it," Jimin stated sadly. Subconsciously I rubbed one of my thumbs across the back of his hand to comfort him.

"Well, you're not wrong there. But I know now that you didn't mean to act like that so I'd prefer to forgive and forget," I smiled to him, "You know, you look cute when you're sad."

He scoffed and looked away from me in embarrassment, "Shut up, Wonie."

I smiled at his reaction, "C'mon, let's go for a walk," I stood up and dragged him up as well. Both of us left the café after paying and went for a stroll around the park the café overlooked.

When we reached the middle of the park, where a little lake was, I let go of Jimin's hand and walked around in the fallen leaves that covered the floor. I really loved this time of year for this very reason.

I turned back to see where Jimin was. He stood only a few feet away with a loving expression on his face as he watched me. Then he started to move towards me, causing me to freeze on the spot.

Once he reached me his thumb and forefinger gentle held onto my chin. Moving my head upwards, Jimin then kissed me passionately and deeply.

"I love you, Min Dawon," He said once we separated from the kiss, a wide smile evident on his face, causing his eyes to disappear.

"And I love you, Park Jimin," I said in return, pecking him lightly on the lips as he pulled me into a hug.

"What did I do to deserve you as my soulmate," He whispered in my ear as he squeezed me tightly, "It must be a mistake."





So on a serious note. Thank you all ever so much for reading my book. I love reading all the lovely comments so many of you have written. Some of you have been reading since I began writing it and I thank you so much for sticking with me, I know it's taken a long time for me to finish and I took a long time to update. I appreciate and love you all!!

If you think there's anything unanswered in this book, please say so. I might make some bonus chapters about what happens in the future to the characters.

I hope you all enjoy the final chapter of 'It Must be a Mistake'!

My next book will either be a Yoongi story or a BTS version of 'To All the Boys I Loved Before'. I'll publish one of them soon so please show it the same amount of love as this book! xx

Thank you so much!!


Cerys :)) ♡♡♡

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