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The funny thing about trying to avoid someone, is that suddenly you can't stop bumping into them.

I walked into school, the day after speaking to Jimin in the dance studio, and the first person I saw was the said boy. He walked into the building practically at the same time as me! So, I quickly put my head down, put my coat as fast as I could into my locker and speed walked to my class.

At break I actually bumped into him, resulting in me falling onto the floor. As soon as it happened I practically jumped back up on my feet and ran away. I swear I've never moved so quick my entire life.

Even at lunch, somehow I managed to be the one to stand behind him in the queue for food. I panicked for a bit but ended up with my back facing him until I got my food.

In class, I had to avoid looking at him at all costs. Even though, any other day I would stare at him because he was my crush. It felt weird but everything was now different. Jimin couldn't be my crush anymore, he will always be something more than that.

This continued for a few more days and surprisingly nobody noticed a thing. Not even Iseul, which was a relief. Well, that's what I thought at the time.

I went to the dance studio, like I normally do after school. Minjoon was there as per usual and we had our little gossip session before I went off to dance. Nothing out of the ordinary.

Everything was utterly the same to any other day I was at this place, but one thing. As I walked to the practice rooms, someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the nearest empty one.

The room's lights weren't on, I couldn't see a thing and all I could hear was the door being shut. To my relief, the lights then were turned on and the next thing I heard was, "Why are you avoiding me?"

I recognised that voice, and my eyes deemed my assumption to be true, once they had adjusted to the bright light of the studio. It was Jimin.

"What do you mean?" I questioned back at him, pretending that I haven't actually been avoiding the said boy for about four days.

"I said that I'll look out for you in school, but then anytime I do see you, you suddenly put your head down or walk in a different direction or pretend to not notice me. I did recognise you in school before that Dawon, I just didn't know your name. I know that you were never like that before I spoke to you. So give me an answer, why were you avoiding me?" Jimin spoke, quite angrily. While speaking he had made his way right up to me, our bodies were nearly touching. I was honestly quite surprised how irritated he was.

"I don't know!" I lied.

"Then why did you do it?!" He practically shouted.

"I said I don't know!" I shouted back, still lying.

"That's not an answer! Tell me," He replied with an extremely mad expression on his face.

"Why are you so angry about it?!" I screamed back. I didn't understand why he was like this. He couldn't be this annoyed about a random girl avoiding him. Once I asked him that question, I saw recognition pour into his expression, like he had suddenly realised he was making a big deal of nothing.

He stumbled on his words for a few seconds, trying, or rather thinking of why he was acting like this.

"Well, I'm not sure. It just, I don't know, bugged me that you were avoiding me," He said, in quite a low tone. He looked really frustrated, as if he really didn't know why he acted like he just did.

I was going to question him further, but next thing I knew, he was by the door.

"Sorry about that, Dawon. I don't know what came over me. Just ignore what I did. Have fun, bye."

And he left.

I stood there, staring at the door once he'd left for about two minutes, trying to understand what had happened in those few minutes he was talking to me.

I shook off all of my confusions and went to put some music on. I picked Boombayah by BlackPink. I adored the dance routine the group had for this song, so I decided, to relieve some stress, I'd dance to it. It was a quite simple but fun routine and it made me feel like an idol - honestly I've wanted to be an idol since I was little. I loved dancing it and it made me feel better when I was feeling a bit down or stressed. Perfect for what I just went through.

(A/N: Just an idea for you all on what the dance goes like, if you are unfamiliar with it)

As soon as I finished the dance, I packed up my things and decided to leave. On my way out I bumped into someone, causing me to stumble backwards a bit.

"Oh my, sorry Dawon," said a cheerful voice. I could recognise that voice anywhere, it was Hoseok. I've known Hoseok for nearly four years. He moved to the area when we were twelve and I met him through dancing, obviously.

"It's okay, Hobi, I wasn't looking," I smiled warmly back at him.

"Wait, were you just in there?" Hobi asked with a puzzled face, pointing at the studio I was just in.

"Um yeah, I was. Why?" I questioned with an equally as puzzled face back at him.

"It's nothing really. I'm just sure that I saw Jimin in there a while ago," He explained.

"Yeah, you're not wrong. He was in there. We were speaking for a bit," I said, while watching his face turn very excited and happy, "What?"

"You spoke to Jimin! You spoke to your crush! I'm so proud of you! What did I say? You just needed to be a bit more confident Wonie," He screamed in reply, attracting the attention of a few people in the dance studios, causing them to peak their heads out of the doors.

"Ah! Be quiet, Hobi!" I whisper-yelled at him before turning to the people and bowing in apology.

I never meant to tell Hobi about me having a crush on Jimin. He sort of guessed it. Once he thought I liked him, he kept pestering me until I admitted that what he was saying was true.

I dragged Hoseok back into the studio I used to be occupying and told him everything. I swear, I've never seem him so excited.

"Jimin's your SOUL MATE!" He repeated while jumping excitedly around the room.

"Yes, yes he is," I laughed at his behaviour, "Now calm down before someone hears you. I don't even know if Jimin left the building after speaking to me or not."

And speaking of the devil, the person who walked into straight after I said that was Jimin himself.

"Oh J-Hope, there you are. C'mon, we want to practise," He said. We held eye contact for a second but he suddenly looked away embarrassingly. I guess he was slightly ashamed at the way he acted a while ago.

"Oh right, I'm coming now," Hobi or 'J-Hope' replied. Jimin walked out and I burst into hysterics.

"J-Hope?! Seriously?!" I managed to say in between laughs.

"It's a stage name, Wonie. Don't laugh!" He defended before he left to practise, leaving me on the floor, laughing my butt off.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed!

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